
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Name/tagline For Dog Biscuit

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm starting a home-based business baking dog biscuits. I live on a farm in the Finger Lakes Area, NY, USA and want to produce all natural/gluten-free dog biscuits. I have a rescue dog named Callie but can't afford to use her picture on the labels. I desperately need a name and tag-line for my business, without sounding too 'cottage'. The only names and tag-lines I keep coming up with are too close to known national/international brands. Please HELP. Thanks.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    How about "Finger Lake Dog Treats" or "Finger Lake Dog Biscuits"? Your tagline can describe that they're gluten-free. If gluten-free is important for your customers (and is in fact why they'll buy treats from you instead of the local pet store), you can consider adding Gluten-Free to your business name, but at a risk of making the name hard to remember.
  • Posted on Member

    First congratulations on deciding upon doing a business.

    Second, you have chosen a product to enter in to a business which is highly overcrowded but commonly and must or have commodity for pets.

    So chances are equal of being missed out in the crowd or easily attract few of the pet parents to buy your biscuits for their pets.

    Now, to make you self visible in the crowd and eat a big portion of market share in your selected product, you need to do take care of following things

    1. It should be priced equally or less then existing brands in market
    2. It should at least provide all such benefits which other biscuits provide
    3. market it properly.

    as you are planning to differentiate your product based on the feature, try to use that feature in the name itself.
    Using a commonly used name, would make it sound Me-too like product. don't do this.

    Hope this will help you

    Nishant Manchanda
  • Posted on Accepted
    Barkin' Biscuits.. Growlin' Good Gluten Free Dog Biscuits

  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    Farm Fresh Fido Biscuits
  • Posted on Member
    Healthy Feed for Dogs. Gluten Free Biscuits. (With "Healthy Feed" written in large fonts, "For Dogs" written below it, in smaller fonts, and "Gluten Free Biscuits" could be the tagline).
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all so much for your time and input. I really appreciate it. I have decided to use the name and tagline; Barkin' Biscuits.. Growlin' Good Gluten Free Dog Biscuits. It's short and describes the biscuits are gluten-free with a few changes.

    Take care and maybe someday I can help you with a response to one of your questions.

    Again, thank you.

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