
Topic: SEO/SEM

What Is The Real Value Of Outbound Links?

Posted by AriRose on 125 Points
I've read discussions on the value of incorporating out-going, external links into one's own blog/web content.

My question is how valuable is that really, and how important is that to organic search rankings?

I'm sure it wouldn't hurt, but in weighing the time to research appropriate outbound links and embedding them in one's content (assuming there isn't a natural fit), is it really worth it to make the effort?

IF YES to the above, does the page rank of the receiving page matter as much as inbound links?

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  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Inbound links matter much, much more.

    It''s somewhat unnatural though for a site or blog not to link out. So it is helpful to link out to carefully chosen sites. Though you should do it only if the URL you are pointing to has value to the visitor of your page. If it doesn''t, don''t bother.

    As with most aspects of SEO, moderation is key. Each page possessing PR, potentially passes it as well (without losing any). Hence, each of the links pass PR at some percentage. So if you link out too much you dilute the value of the other links on your page (likely your internal linkage), so you''ll pass less PR to your own pages though the remaining links. Again, some loss is valuable, but it should be done carefully.

    Lastly, the search engines know that you have more control over who you link to than who links to you. So link to reputable, useful sites/URLs, that again, provide benefit to your visitors. Focus on your visitors and the SEO in this case, takes care of itself.

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