
Topic: Branding

Death Dying And Bereavement Newsletter

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I support a national Alliance who are working to make Scotland a place where there is more openness about death, dying and bereavement so that people are aware of ways to live with death, dying and bereavement & feel better equipped to support each other through the difficult times that can come with death, dying and bereavement.

A difficult subject for some.

We are developing a bi-monthly newsletter and have had a few suggestions for a catchy name but nothing that we have all agreed on as yet so am giving this a try in the hope that a sharper marketing brain than mine can come up with a catchy title for our publication.

Thanks in advance,

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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    • Legacy

    • Compassion

    Yes, I sought one-word names because of the topic. I'm not a long verbiage kind of person anyway, but this audience likely wants/needs something short and "touching."
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Life Goes On: Coping with death and bereavement.

    You don't need anything catchy, you simply need something that's relevant.

    When a loved one dies, those left behind often feel alone, lost, and that there's no future for them. But life goes on.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Together With (In) Death
    Love And Death
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'd stay away from "catchy." The subject matter is very serious, and people who are coping with a loss are not usually looking to be entertained or amused by a "catchy" name.

    Better to focus on the BENEFIT of the newsletter (and the organization).

    If this were a traditional product or service, we might suggest conducting a dozen (or more) interviews with people who recently experienced the death of a loved one, and see what words they use to express the needs they felt and the perspectives they've gained. That would give you some good input for coming up with a name that will appeal to your target audience.

    Of course, this brings up the subject of your target audience. If the real goal is to raise awareness of the issues surrounding death, dying and bereavement, then you may have a much broader audience than if it is those facing these issues close-up. You probably ought to define the target audience more precisely so the newsletter name will be most relevant to your prime prospects.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone - first time user and very impressed :-)

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