
Topic: SEO/SEM

Getting High Rankings But No Increase In Traffic

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have my website which is ranking well in top positions in Google but strangely the traffic is not increasing from Google. on the contrary the keywords which used to show traffic early are also showing a dip in traffic even while being in top positions.

kindly help me understand the problem and solve this issue.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Have you researched the traffic volume via Google's AdWords tool ( Just because you're ranking well for something doesn't mean that people are searching for those terms as well as before.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Jay,

    thanks. yes the keywords are well searched from this tool and they have search volumes.

    the irony is that the traffic that I used to get on the brand name of my products is also decreasing. the same product name is now not getting me the traffic. I also do not have seasonal products to justify this fluctuation.

    i hope this gives more details.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Maybe there's something going on in the broader market in which your products are used. Is there a new competitor? Are there some economic trends that may be working against you?

    Have you changed anything in your meta tags lately that might explain the change in traffic?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Might you be seeing changes because of some kind of relevance issue?

    High page rankings are one thing, but do you know for sure why your pages rank the way they do?

    How might changes to pages linking in to your pages have impacted things?

    Also bear in mind the recent changes in Google's algorithms in terms of the way they rank and position sites relative to the site's content, AND in relation to the relevance of the content to the searches begin carried out.
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Please describe your method for determining your rankings.

    Also, are you logged into. Google when you check?
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Gary,

    Thanks for the response. Can you please elaborate a little more on this?

    Hi excellira,

    Thanks for your response. I am searching without the personalisation settings. I am also at time trying to see diff rankings at diff parts of the country.

    Thanks all for your replies.
  • Posted by excellira on Member
    Are you using incognito or anonymous browsing when you search? Even though you may not be logged in, your search activity is tracked and the results are adjusted. It's best to be logged out, incognito, and also using proxies when testing data centers outside of your region. It wouldn't hurt to also avoid Chrome when checking.

    If you're not doing the above, then the culprit could be user tracking. Your search results may be modified based on your queries, clicks, back clicks, and search refinements. So you would see high rankings but no one else would. Not good if you're attempting to determine rankings.

    I've seen on some occasions where results were throttled, resulting in high rankings when you're looking, but the listing moves down later. I'm not seeing much of that so I'm doubtful but please also check at different times of the same day.

    Lastly, have you made any changes to the title element or meta description? Those can significantly affect click-throughs on search engine results pages. So check to see what you've done, and also what your competitors have done. If they have changed those elements on their pages and are getting good response, you may be losing clicks to your competitors rather than positions.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
  • Posted by excellira on Member
    My apologies. My last reply was about ranking checking. I don't think I made that clear in the first paragraph. My initial thinking is that we need to be certain that the high rankings you are observing are real. After we determine that, then we can start looking at on-page, technical, or algo updates such as Penguin, Panda, etc.
  • Posted by jonipopi on Member
    How do you track your ranking?
    Research your competitors websites to get familiar for what keywords phrases they rank.
    This will gives you more knowledge.

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