
Topic: SEO/SEM

Fight Against Spam Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Our competitors have a very aggressive spamming strategy making it really hard for us to compete against them. They keep on creating blogs with different URLs based on important keywords. Each blog is an exact copy of others. It is not surprise they have taken 3 or 4 spots only in page #1 !

What would you do in a case like this? go to google and report them?

Any help would be much appreciated.


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  • Posted on Author
    I just want to add that our competitors have a good back linking base.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Before you fight for the traffic, how is your company's offering demonstrably better than your competitor's? Because even if you got more traffic, would you get more customers?

    Next, realize they've figured out a (perhaps temporary) way to get more high search rankings. Backlinks + good keyword choices are indeed a good thing to do. What you need is to hire a great (white hat) SEO person who can both figure out exactly what they've done, and figure a way to beat them at their own game.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Report them for what?

    Having better SEO? Report them for being higher up the search rankings than you? All Google will do is laugh at you.

    Unless you can prove they're somehow in violation of one of Google's policies you don't have a case against them.

    Unless they're sending e-mails to people on your list they are not technically "spamming" anyone: they simply have an effective SEO strategy that's been well researched, well tested, well linked, and well refined.

    What are they doing wrong? Nothing. What are they doing right? They're being creative, flexible, lean, and daring with their SEO and their higher page rankings are their reward. If they've come through the recent Panda and Penguin updates and they're STILL on page 1 of Google they're to be congratulated and you would do well to learn from them.

    So emulate them! Hire your own blog builder! Someone who knows how to carry out effective, ethical, effective SEO. Your competitor is probably using Wordpress (you can find this out by viewing the source files of their sites): you need to do the same. You need to find out what sites are linking in to their sites (traffic, PR, other links) and do some backwards engineering to find out what they're doing. Then, you emulate them. NOT copy, mind you! Emulate.

    Examine the sites they're building page by page and make a list of everything that they're doing that you're not, then, start doing the things they're doing.

    Carry out keyword research for related niche terms, for misspellings, for non standard phrasing, for latent semantic terms and find out how much traffic those terms and phrases are getting.

    Then, put what you've learned into action and take them on
    at their own game.

    Do so WITHOUT fanfare and without announcement. Just do it and keep tweaking your phrases, your back linking and your on page elements and social media links until your rankings increase. Use EVERY tool you can think of (and a few you've not thought of): PDFs, white papers, podcasts, video, social bookmarking, social media, review sites, Yelp, Google places, forums, articles, blog posts, blog comments, guest blog posts and link the living daylights out of all these things.

    By the sounds of it hey are using micro site linking: clusters of highly relevant, tightly linked, key phrase rich sites that contain pages, each one of which is highly optimized for one or two key phrases (including plurals) that are well searched for in terms of people looking, but that are under served in terms of result sites, hence their higher rankings.

    You must do the same thing. What's that? This sounds like a lot of work? Yes, it does, because it is: but it's work that pays off. Get busy.
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    In my opinion, if each of those blogs is unique I'd boost your SEO efforts but if each page is a duplicate of what is on their other sites I'd consider reporting them in Webmaster tools.

    Duplicating content across multiple domains to own search results pages is a spam technique that is clogging search engine results pages with listings that don't benefit users. G would want to know about it. It may take some time before they take action or it may not get resolved at all but, based on limited information, it appears to be a flagrant spam tactic.

    Just make certain that you're not spamming either because your competitor will certainly call it to their attention as well.
  • Posted on Accepted
    what my suggestion is on my point of you the competitors must have different keyword for the same url.. it will work effectively...

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