
Topic: Branding

Slogans Critique

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
HI there,

I am brainstorming a slogan that is easy to be translated into french too. this is my first paid job. please let me know what do you think.

its a commercial cleaning business.

the company's logo has nothing that mentions cleaning in it.

the idea behind his business is that he is using new techniques and appliances.

her are a few are the slogans:


As I mentioned earlier the main barrier is it must be bilingual too.

Please let me know your thoughts.

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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Well I work in Dutch and German - so language barriers are normal for me. However the easiest way across them is to imagine an image that your tagline should evoke in the reader. Now whilst the wording will seem totally different, the image will be the same in each language.

    So what image does "cleaning has a different meaning" bring forth?

    What would a customer for your client want of them, because this is a far better way to look at any business. "Always fresh by 7.30 am" "Wonderful to walk into" might be another. Now neither of these say anything about what your company actually does - and to be honest it's needed if the name doesn't. However, the idea still stands even if my two off-the-top-of-my-head slogans don't.

    So clean you'll love coming to work
    Fresh, clean cleaned
    Always cleaned!
    Bringing a new meaning to cleaning (and that's a direct knockoff ;-) )
    Bringing you a clean office every day.

    Do you like them? Does your client like them - and most important of all, do the people who hire them find it tells them what they need to know????

    Because none of us is buying - they are! Not everybody thinks of them though.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Just to clarify, are you saying the company's name, in the form of a stylized logo, does not include any words such as "cleaning" or any words that might infer it's a cleaning business. Is there some reason you cannot tell us the company name? Also, who are the target customers? And where are they? How will they find this business?

    I think Moriarty is on the right track with the idea of creating a universal image in the minds of the target customers. What is the French word for "spotless"? Keep in mind that your goal is to create and communicate a unique benefit, not the feature(s) that make the benefit possible, to your target audience, e.g. "XYZ Company, The New Standard in Spotless".
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Steve and Moriarty.

    The company's name is Qualiforce. a short name for quality force.

    Its a commercial cleaning business. B2B only

    Located in Quebec Canada.

    A per how customers will find out about the company, a new website is being made for the customer. and mainly door to door and flyers.

    Thank you in advance for your your help.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Don't forget to advertise through Google Adwords and the Display network too. What's more, you can test all your ideas on real people who need/want better cleaners - that'll make your flyers and patter far more effective.

    Qualiforce - where dust doesn't get a chance
    - you won't see dust for us (= "you won't see us for dust" but the other way around) (but doesn't translate)
    - cleaning power
    - clean power
    - powerful cleaning.


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