
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tag Line For Online Gift Business

Posted by elliottoc on 250 Points
We have come up with a few different tag line for our business - Special Gifts For...

Our tag line are:
Made Just For You
Where Memories Are Made
For Everyone and Everything

We just don't think that any of them are memorable or have the cutting edge. Can you help?

Let me know if you have any ideas for a new tag line.

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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    "Made just for you" comes closest to connecting with your prospects.

    Rather a dull name for you and me when we're off duty - but that's modern marketing for you. Impersonal.

    Now you make an interesting comment "have the cutting edge" - when you have a tagline "for everyone and everything". You don't need a cutting edge, you need to connect. And moreover you need to connect to people who like what you sell - and finer still: to those who also buy. You also need to know who they are.

    To your credit you do actually have a newsletter - you wouldn't believe how many miss this huge opportunity.

    In the meantime how about Special Gifts For "you and me". It's general, non specific and as dull as a cardboard box - but it does sort of rhyme.

    Any thoughts from you that might make my ears prick? I'm usually pretty hot at taglines - but I do need something to go on by way of who's lookin'

  • Posted by elliottoc on Author
    Target Market (without being stupid) is everyone really.

    A refined target market would probably be the young to middle aged professional.
    Age range of 25yrs to 55yrs, both male and female. In a relationship or married/civil partnership.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Well ... a little tale from Drayton Bird. He of Ogilvy and Mather. He mentioned a tale about Bang & Olufsen. Marketed their stuff to your age group with an income of around $50,000. It worked a treat.

    One day they hired a newbie and he dug around as newbies will. He found a box with cards that had been returned by proud owners of B&O systems. Leafing through this data - which by today's standards would be modest indeed - he discovered something quite startling. They were predominantly well over 50 and had an income of well over $100,000.

    The marketing team applied this new found knowledge. They had been advertising in completely the wrong places. What's more, the data they'd received had never met any attention from the people it mattered to - so they sailed on blindly as most marketing departments do to this very day.

    Needless to say, their sales took a leap.

    There's another thing that Mr DB said - and that's when someone reads an advertisement and it's speaking directly to them they'll always buy more. That's not an 'if' it is a 'will'. Knowing who your demographic really is will make you substantially more than marketing to everybody. Sure, everybody will come along and take a look - those who buy from you would have bought anyway (or bought similarly). So catch them, speak to them - and them alone. The others may buy, but they might have bought anyway, and might not. Speaking to your best customers will encourage them to buy - and buy they will.

    Howie Jacobson does some good work with his 'avatars'. Self-created imaginary customers that you can speak to. And yes, he learned from the wise Mr Bird too, and took it a whole stage further. He suggests creating a customer profile that goes as far as the names of their pets and their marital problems. Speaking to this imaginary person is perhaps the best start you can get

    That means get data in as soon as you reasonably can - and act on it! Oh, and going through this sort of stuff in my mind sort-of generates something of the kind in my head too, so it's not just drivel.

    Okay, so it is. Well, we'll just pretend it's wisdom today, shall we?


    when you need a special something
    loads of great ideas.
    here and now: presents for the present
    pressies galore!

    any good?

    By the way friends of mine know their metrics so well they can tell you the postcode of their best demographic.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Your current homepage "title tag" reads ...

    <title>Special Gifts For... | Special &amp; Personalised Gifts for Everyone and Everything.</title>

    Do people really search using the keyword phrase .. "Personalised Gifts for Everyone and Everything"? Have you confirmed this with "google adwords keyword tool"? You need to find out which keywords your customers are using to find you. We can't do this research for you.

    (note: you might want to confirm your tag format is working correctly)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Show People You Really Care
    The Perfect Present For Loved Ones
  • Posted by shmily97 on Accepted

    "When you need that something special'

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