
Topic: Branding

Contacting A Celebrity's Real Agent/rep

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We need to approach an athlete for an endorsement deal. There are 10 or more agents online who claim to represent him. I assume these are middle-men who add no value and just take a referral fee/piece of the action after contacting the celebrity's real agents.

How do you find the real agent representing him? He has a rarely updated blog with no obvious contact information, but is somewhat more active on Twitter. However approaching him in such a public forum, even just to ask him for contact info seems soooo tacky!
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Send a direct message via Twitter.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    You could check out each of these middlemen to see what other activities they get up to, who else they deal with. Places like Linkedin are good for this. You could weed out the less likely ones for a start.

    You could also try the sporting associations and ask them who his agent is. They may be a little more candid, after all, it's great to have a 'name' on your profile if you're an agent.

    If you want to follow up on Gary's idea, tweetgrid or one of the tweet catchers might help you - after all, your message has more chance of getting through if he's actually online.

    Anyway, what's so wrong about using an agent - just find the one you like dealing with. You never know, your athlete may not be the chatty kind and an agent could get you the results you need quickly and securely.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks both.

    I have no objection using an agent, I just don't want to pay for two for the same guy! Thanks for the tip on tweetgrid, could be helpful in the future.

  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    My guess is that the agent's fees would be the same with two as for one - they'd have an arrangement whereby they'd split it 70-30 or whatever. You could always ask them ... the one who gives you a straight answer would be the one to go for!

    I'm afraid Tweetgrid isn't working right now, I tried it earlier for some research and it's down - and there's one line of code on its page :-( I've asked friends about other options but haven't heard anything yet.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Gary and Moriarty have both given you some good direction.

    I have done this many times, for myself and for a fee. The process always develops as a case-by-case exercise. One hint, follow the lawyers. Corporations have in-house counsel and outside counsel for celebrity endorsement contracts. And civil litigation provides some documentation available to those who know how to find it.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Steve. I plan on using a lawyer/consultant to make the first contact and negotiations. This is going to be a sensitive conversation with the athlete and needs to be handled well! I need to track down the right firm to make that contact too.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Good plan. Make sure to find a lawyer who knows how to find this athlete's lawyer. If not, look further for a lawyer who can.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    One more thought, does this athlete play for a team? Which law firm represents the team? Who is the lead lawyer on this account? Who is the secretary/assistant to the lead lawyer?

    You get the idea.
  • Posted on Author
    No team. Its an individual sport. I think Ive finally found his real agent through a database trial though.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Well done! As I say, do check the others out, they may be more amenable.

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