
Topic: SEO/SEM

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Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What is the quickest and most cost effective way to get a new website into
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Your question has been posted here a gazillion times. There is a treasure trove of info you can use in this forum's archives.

    Click the Search Questions link on the right side of this page. Try using the keywords "search engine" and look through some of the Q&A threads that come up in the results.

    You should also use the Search BOX at the top of this page to find some excellent MarketingProfs articles on the subject of SEO. The best of them require a Premium membership -- well worth the five bucks for a month-long look at all of the content.

    While you're at it, visit the Important Guidelines page and you'll learn how to get the most from this forum. Welcome!
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi megastarmedia,

    Certainly do what Shelley suggested as you will find some great information.

    The short answer to your question is "Google AdWords".

    I will add however that you need to define what you mean by cost-effective; do you mean inexpensive/cheaply, or do you mean returning a measurable return either short-term, long-term or both on your marketing investment? (therefore making it better than inexpensive because it is now essentially "free").

    This is important because you can quickly get your company highly place in Google AdWords by using an unstrategized keyword approach and just bidding high. Depending on what you are selling and the competition in your AdWords space, this could return a positive ROI.

    You could also just end up feeding the animal while your pockets go empty.

    On the other hand, you can plan and execute a campaign requiring a great deal of keyword strategizing etc., monitor your traffic report all day and incrementally increasing your placement to until you attain a ranking (which means not necessarily #1, or #2) that provides you with an optimal tradeoff of AdWord dollars spent and revenue coming in.

    Regardless, the reality is it takes a complex, cutting-edge, comprehensive, constantly monitored campaign to be successful.

    Whether you can do this quickly and inexpensively really comes down to a matter of how much time you have to first learn how AdWords works, and how to optimize your campaigns, but then again your time might not be inexpensive which is when you start looking at outsourcing it, which may not be inexpensive either, but if you get a great return on your investment, it doesn't matter!

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Downlaod the google tool bar and view your site in IE. It is free.

    It is free and very easy. Adwords have no effect on your ranking. They just place a link to yoursite in the side bar of the search for the word that you have bid for.

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