
Topic: Taglines/Names

Fundraising Campaign To Compete At The World Games

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Two South African Eventing sport men are needing to raise funds to assist in riding overseas to qualify in the international circuit and ultimately represent SA at the 2018 World Equestrian Games in Canada. In doing so we are hoping to bring back knowledge and experience to SA and promote international competition more positively.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I presume you are asking for a strategic approach to promoting your cause and thereby encouraging donations or sponsorship support.

    If this assumption is correct, you first need to ask yourselves who are the most likely donors or sponsors? Who is most likely to share the desire to "bring back knowledge and experience to SA and promote international competition more positively?"

    In marketing terms: Who is the target audience, and why should they take the desired action? What's in it for them?

    Addressing that question must precede any attempt to develop your fundraising plans and/or any implementation efforts.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    That's great. What's your questions?
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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