
Topic: Branding

New Marketing Strategy Needed

Posted by natureatbest01 on 250 Points
We are opening a new pure water company in Nigeria. Its a tough competition out there as many companies are already in market.
We intend to do some unique marketing so that we stand out in the crowd.
P.S. Pure water in Nigeria is mostly used by weaker section of the society.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Congratulations on starting your new business. Instead of simply being unique, is there something different about your water that customers will care about? Is it better tested? Is it visibly clearer? Is it in unusual sizes? Does it have any minerals or vitamins added? Does it taste better? It's vital to understand how your prospective customers choose their water purchases, and then to offer something that others can't or won't.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    What's the provenance of the water? Does it have unique mineral content or a particular source? How are you distributing it - bulk delivery, supermarket, bars, restaurants, delivered to offices, for water coolers, sports centres or gyms, vending machines? What's the container like - plastic, glass, shaped, easy-pour, color glass, easy-carry, sports top, large scale? Do you have any celebrity endorsements or vitality claims? If it's just water for everyday use, what service aspects do you cater for - order by mobile phone, guaranteed delivery, early delivery or doorstep delivery? Do you plan loyalty discounts or promotions?
  • Posted by natureatbest01 on Author
    Thank you friends. It was really helpful. Thanks
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    For your "unique marketing" begin by developing a Positioning Statement that lays out WHY your target audience (or segment) should select your product instead of a competitor's product. It's the substantive differentiation that will drive the uniqueness, not some irrelevant glitzy marketing ruse.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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