
Topic: SEO/SEM

In Bound Links

Posted by sylviathomp on 25 Points
Someone look at my business site and offer some help, one of the things he mention was that I had no links to the site. I have several youtube, facebook, twitter etc., that I thought I had link to the site, so how do I go about that or what do I need to do? Welcome any help in making the site better. I am in the search for a new website, to give me a better look, than what I have now, as Bigcommerce is very, very limited in that area for free templates. Thanks.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Several opportunities for improvement. I'd start with the "friendliness" of the site. Where are the pictures of happy customers? All I could find were inanimate objects (i.e., baskets). Way too much copy, overwhelming navbar ... net impression is words, words, words and so many baskets they all start to look alike ... and no humans in sight.

    Next, where is the call-to-action? What do you want a site visitor to do? What is the desired action? If you want them to buy something you need to make it easy/obvious. Don't make them hunt for a way to buy.

    Then what benefit can you promise the prospective customer? Why might they want to do whatever it is you want them to do? How are you different from, and better than, the hundreds of others selling baskets?

    What does it mean that the baskets are "by Sylvia?" Is that supposed to be good, or is it a warning of some kind?

    Start with these possible improvements, and then we can get to some of the tactical opportunities.
  • Posted by sylviathomp on Author
    Thanks for your honest input!, am going to try build another site as I am limited with the company that am with, am sure I will use some of your recommendation as a guide : Baskets Galore by Sylvia. It's a name that I pick in 2004, 'Sorry", but it's staying as it would be TOO MUCH to change it at this point.

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Who is searching for your domain name? From a brief look, your site seems to have 352 inbound links form 52 different domains.
  • Posted by sylviathomp on Author
    Most likely telemarking. I get more calls and emails from them than customers... and RUDE at that! Lol.

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