
Topic: Branding

Ways To Market Yourself

Posted by danielle on 125 Points
I am in Real Estate in Colorado. I am not an agent yet, but I am still based off commissions and bonuses working for an agency. I am wanting to find some creative and cheap ways to market myself out to the community. I want to build a good clientele for when I do become and agent and I can work off referrals. Also I need to start generating more leads for myself so I can start making more money. Thanks for your ideas!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Real marketing isn't about presenting what you offer to a lot of people in hopes that one or two of them will "bite." It's about identifying the one or two people who really need what you offer and getting to know them really well, so you can show them why you are uniquely well qualified to deliver what they need.

    So start by narrowing the field (of prospective clients) to just a few who are perfect for what you offer. The goal is to land 100% of the prospects you think you can serve well, so don't try to be a solution for everyone.

    Once you perfect the skill of finding just the right clients, you can repeat the process for another one or two. Etc.
  • Posted by elizabeth on Accepted
    A friend of mine just wrote a book to help first year real estate agents not burn out. You might find it helpful on your journey.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I have a limited experience in business to consumer sales and almost no experience with real estate sales, but if I were interested in learning about it:

    1. I would read books and watch YouTube videos. At first, trying to read one book a week.
    2. I would focus more on preparing myself to provide excellent client service, and less of my effort on trying to find a magical way to promote myself.
    3. I would interview people in my target market. Specifically, I would try to interview recent homebuyers, bringing some sort of a housewarming gift and asking them why and how they selected their real estate agent.
    4. I would seek to associate with and hopefully work for the best team I could find.
  • Posted by Mark on Accepted
    It's about the product and available market and about being honest with yourself.

    Look at all the houses on the market today and figure out, honestly who the he'll could afford to buy that. It will range from a cash buyer (find out how many are around) to people getting a 100% mortgage (find out how many can)

    You might actually find that you might be better of selling something else or not but you will know the cold hard facts and they don't write it in a book for your

    Your job isn't to sell yourself, your job is to know your product and customers then build that bridge and if you truly understand them both then they will have confidence in you without you try. Just make sure you clean your teeth and comb your hair etc and the rest will pay dividends.
  • Posted by Mark on Member
    Sorry forgot to say, about being honest with yourself.. you may understand the market values and potential customers but you might be a crap converter which is your job, anyway honesty is the best policy as even a half wit can see through BS but people warm to the truth.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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