
Topic: Branding

Cult Branding: How Can This Be Achieved?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Does anyone have some insight on to how you go about creating a cult brand using a online community? Does anyone have example websites I can see? This is such a grey area in branding, I could really use some help. Thanks everyone!
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    When I needed some answers about my ancient Infiniti, I found for "Nissan / Infiniti Car Owners."

    I posted a question and was swarmed with help from their forum members. For a while, I stayed involved (I had a lot of car trouble and questions) and I was amazed at the strength of commitment within the community. Some of the regular participants even raised money for one of the members who couldn't afford a major repair on his Q45. Club or cult?

    Forums, including THIS one, can be habit forming.

    I know the nicoclub members have bumper stickers to show their affinity with that brand. Will you ever see us rushing to purchase MarketingProfs hats and shirts? Probably not. But I do have a nice coffee mug! ;]

    Seems like it will be a lot easier for you with the hockey crowd.

    - Shelley
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    When I have looked at cult status in the past, one thing I did work out if that you cannot predict or manufacture a "Cult".

    A good example of this is "Rocky Horror Picture Show", written as a simple homage to Horror Films (early 1970's), it played in a small London theatre initially because no-one knew what they had, the film made in 1975 was an instant FLOP ... but look what it became, in the 1980's it suddenly became a Cult. And no-one set out to create that or thought it would be one.

    Good Luck, if you find the secret bottle it :-)

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