
Topic: Branding

Company Anniversary Ideas

Posted by larry.sebbens on 25 Points
Our wealth management company is turning 70 in 2018. Looking for creative ideas separate from a new TV spot. Anything involving client giveaways, employee event, collateral in branch offices (historical timeline), etc....
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Realize that your (prospective) customers really don't care about your anniversary. In some cases longevity connotes "old and stodginess" for a business, so it's doubly challenging.

    If you want a public celebration, then have 70 winners of prizes or help 70 charities in communities or help people who are 70 years old, etc.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    Regarding company anniversaries, I like the idea of customer surveys. If your company is 70 years old, you probably have customers who have been with you for decades. Most likely it is their patronage over time which has kept you in business. What are their stories? Why have they stuck with you? What benefits have they received from being your customer? Would they recommend you to others? What makes you different from your competition?

    The process of gathering information from long time loyal customers can help you focus on their needs and perspectives, and may very well likely result in some quotations and stories and testimonials which can help you moving forward. Good luck.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I'd stay away from anything that focuses on "70 years old." Instead focus on the unique and compelling benefit your clients can expect when they deal with you.

    Your external audience doesn't care if you are 70 or 68 or 76, or any other age. They care about what benefit you can deliver for them. Focus on that.

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