
Topic: Our Forum

Win A Free Virtual Seminar! ($99 Value)

Posted by Valerie Witt on 0 Points
Hi all! This is an announcement, rather than a question. "Reprinted" from today's newsletter:

Good news! I have a little holiday contest for you. You may remember that we're awarding 100 Question Points for every listing in the Resource Library by the end of the year (max of 1000 Points). But today we're upping the ante! The 25 members of KHE who have contributed the most listings by December 31 will receive their choice of one seminar recording from our 2004 archives.

Winners will receive the bundle of materials we provide to our seminar attendees following each live event:

* PPT slides
* Full text transcript
* Audio/visual recording (voice & slides, in sync)

Quite literally, this is a US$99 value! To browse the list of seminars you'll be choosing from, visit our Premium Library and scroll through the drop-down menu on the right side of the page.

There aren't 25 folks who have posted more than 2 or 3 resources right now. So if you publish a handful, you have excellent odds of winning this prize! And remember, the #1 contributor will also win 1000 Expert Points.

The Resource Library links are in the box to the right (you can't see them if you're not logged in). If you aren't sure how to post a listing - or what qualifies as a resource - please post a note here, and I'll help you. Also, remember to browse first, to make sure you're not publishing a resource we already have. (Credit will go to the earliest contributor.)

If there are zillions of people who have all posted the same number of resources, I'll break the tie at my own discretion. It'll probably be with a formula that rewards participation (# of questions + # of answers posted in the forum).

Good luck! I hope you all have fun with this. And have a WONDERFUL holiday season with your friends and family!

Best wishes,

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  • Posted by Valerie Witt on Author
    Hi all! Quick update. As of this morning there were only 18 members who had posted more than 1 resource in the Library. So if you have at least 2 resources listed, you're on track to win a free seminar!

    And if you're one of the MANY people with 1 listing, you might want to consider adding a 2nd one.

    And for those with 0, it's pretty easy to add 2! :)

    Best wishes,


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