
Topic: Branding

Company Position

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am the marketing director for an accounting firm that has custom-designed a software product for an industry in which they specialize. The software product was set up as a separate company. However, since the product is new to the market, I need to leverage the name of the CPA firm for credibility among the target audience. I know at some point the software product must stand on its own.
My dilemma now is how to pitch the product in sales calls and advertising and recognize the CPA name without calling the relationship " a partnership, a product of..., or a division of .... "

And, at what point do I drop the CPA name completely and allow the software to stand on its own?
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  • Posted on Member
    It would help to know the name of the software company. If your CPA firm is ABC and now your new company is ABC Software Solutions, Inc....then you don't have to mention anything about the relationship. Treating this like a sub-brand or extension should guide your thinking. Think about PALM when some of their people left and formed VISOR they used PR to tell consumers that the creators of PALM formed their own company and so it was easy for people to rely on the new product. Now they've been taken back into PALM...anyway Even PALM is now PALMONE and PALM SOURCE go see how they describe themselves on ....but the point is they are keeping the strength of their brand in their name. In your case without knowing the name of the new's hard to discuss things.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    angeloCHAVEZ advice is spot on, and can get around those sticky reputation issues.
    If the name of your company is 'vague' enough then "[company name] software solutions" (or something similar) becomes a doubled sided coin and you may be able to use it successfully for both markets.

    Michele's tagline is GREAT .. I love it :-)

    Good Luck

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