
Topic: Branding

Creating Brand Loyalty.....what Do People Want ?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
How do you make a customer a

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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    By improving your reputation, and the best way to do that is via PR.

    Reputation is made up of three core components:

    Corporate Culture - "do I feel happy buying from that company"
    Corporate Identity - how you portray yourselves
    Message Sources - where are the messages and stories coming from (just yourselves?), or do you get written about in trade press, radio, tv. And what are these sources ? Active ones like advertising, exhibitions, freebies etc People sources like staff, local communities etc or passive sources like sales letters , literatire, company name, logo, tagline, annual report etc.

    I saw a really good example of all this years ago, when cable TV first came to the UK. The local cable companies did a great PR job, and everyone loved them, my local cable company were on everyone lips, and ordering services from them, this cable company prided itself on a personal service, so if you ordered a service, you would get a personal note delivered through you letterbox ... UNFORTUNATELY the notes were generally very badly photocopied, creased and torn ... not a great image, and they never understood why people cancelled before installation!

    Good Luck
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Love marks

    Read a book by kevin roberts,called love marks. W.M.M.A aka Randall normal suggests this book.

    You also might want to use the search question function
  • Posted on Member
    You are asking a “huge” question with just a few words in your sentence. You are getting great advice in the postings above. I also recommend that you do some reading. My pick is Brand Aid by Brad VanAuken.

    How do you make your customers believers?

    •Deliver on your brand promise.
    •Delight your customers.
    •Be customer-centric.
    •Exceed your customers’ expectations.
    •Create a community for your customers.

    The list could go on and on.


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