
Topic: Career/Training

Need A Title For A Manager Of Both Events And Bdrs

Posted by angela.sarno on 125 Points
I have an events manager I would like to promote and give more responsibility to... I am thinking of moving the cold calling BDR team under her. I am flummoxed as to an appropriate title for this hybrid job. Marketing Ops doesn't seem right. Demand Gen doesn't seem right. Help!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why not ask her to come up with an appropriate title? That would be a good first mini-project for her.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    You could do 2 titles together - e.g. Events and Cold Calling Manager or Events and Call Center Manager

    Some other ideas:
    Lead Acquisition Manager
    Direct Marketing Manager

    Of course, a person could have whatever title you give them. There aren't much in the way of requirements when setting titles. So you could use more generic titles like Marketing Representative or Marketing Manager.

  • Posted by angela.sarno on Author
    Thank you both! I also asked this question in real-life at the B2B Forum, and came away thinking I was trying to be too specific. I think I will go broad and just make her a senior marketing manager... room to move as we grow.

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