
Topic: Branding

Any Suggestions For Effective Nightclub/venue Promotions?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I want to promote nightclub and other entertainment venues as well as entertainment industry performers.

I view branding as a way to invite corporate investors to get involved in the promotional process. I can promote my events/artists, in return the companies benefit from the exposure.

Any ideas how to approach companies with this idea? Also any recommendations as to how to make this a more successful venture?

Thank you.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Do you read Nightclub and Bar Magazine?

    Home page:

    Their Profitable Promotions page:

    Ironically, their big trade show is in Las Vegas this week at the L.V. Convention Center and it is HUGE! If you have a couple of days I would strongly recommend going because you will pick up extremely valuable information from the all the industry experts and vendors.

    Good luck.


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