
Topic: SEO/SEM

Increase My Position In A Google Search

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What are some techniques that I can use to increase my website's position on Google or do I just have to pay for a spot?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    You cant "buy" a place in to top ten in google. You can buy ads at the side of the search.

    There is SO MUCH info on SEO on this site that i will just give you a google search narrowing it down to 137 pages:

    You could also buy a premium membership, it has lots of great articles about how to get google to LOVE your site. It is only $4.95 a month but it is going to increase to $14.95 a month very soon.

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    hi kmcclean,

    2 ways to do it:

    1) Organic search engine optimization so you show up on the left side or "main' area under "Web". You can't "buy" a top ten place here, although you could pay a SEO expert to try their talents at enhancing your placement organically.

    2) Pay-Per-Click with Google AdWords so you show up under "Sponsored Links" on the right side (and very top left in some cases). This is where you can buy a top 10 place, positive ROI considerations aside, you can buy a top 1 if you want, you are only limited by how high you want to bid.

    Each one is beyond the scope of time and space here, but as Carl said your question has been asked many, many times on the forum and you will find your answers within as well as more information then you could ever read at, of course, Google.

    I hope that helps.

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