
Topic: SEO/SEM

Question About Ppc Campaign.

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
How come my content match in my PPC campaign is so low...but much higher in search?

I have a competitor for the keywords

'Fashion Internships' and related terms

he is and I am

he is coming up on all the searches above mine and is killing me...
I have a great do I get the better Click through rate, so he doesn't kill me every time.
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  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted
    Well if you are talking PPC then I would focus on:
    1. Audience strategy (target phrase selection)
    2. Daily budget vs competitor (Ad postion / rank)
    3. Ad content - match to audience (copy / triggers)

    The above would need to be performed for each PPC service.

    But without more detials, I'm not sure what help I can offer.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi jhedvat,

    O.K. if you want to know how be ranked higher in the Google Search Network (forget Yahoo for now, let's just focus on Google), it is a formula that takes your maximum CPC X CTR = Rank Number.

    So, it depends not only on how much your max bid is, but how "popular" your ad is also.

    Usually however just increasing your max bid should jump you ahead of your competitor. If you can't rank above them no matter what you bid, then their CTR is higher and all you can do is wait and hope that yours increases so that it brings up your total rank number in the process.

    Ranking in the Google Content Network is different. Google looks at the content of an article published let's say in the New York Times online edition, and then looks at all the ads in its database that provide the most relevant "contextual" matches to that article. Google then displays the most relevant ads alongside the website content. The ranking system rewards well-targeted, relevant ads as well as max CPC.

    In summary, there are a few steps you can take to ensure that your ads are bringing you the highest possible return on your advertising investment on content pages.

    Optimize your campaigns as you would for search advertising. Search ads are typically good predictors of contextual advertising performance. This means that the better your ads perform on search pages, the more successful they are likely to be on content sites and products.

    Implement Google conversion tracking. Conversion tracking allows you to see the number of sales that you are receiving from your advertising campaign, for both search and content network sites and products. Reviewing your total number of conversions and the value of these conversions can help you determine if you should increase your budget or further optimize your ad groups to receive more targeted visitors.

    Review your ad ranking. Keep in mind that most content sites only display two, three, or four contextual ads per page. As a result, you must select a maximum cost-per-click that allows your ad to rank in these top positions if you are to take advantage of the additional qualified clicks from content pages. Look at the average position of your ads on the Campaign Management page and adjust this position as necessary (by improving your clickthrough rate with refined ad text and keywords, or adjusting your maximum CPC) to ensure that you are receiving as many profitable leads as possible.

    Yahoo Search Marketing is similar -but different- and time doesn't allow that explanation here.

    I hope that helps, contact me offline if you need further assistance!

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