
Topic: Our Forum

Is It Just Me.....

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Is it just me or are there alot of real estate and mortgage questions and taglines? Are there now hundreds of new real estate agents opening up across the world over the last 6 months or is there a web-link to 'real estate tagline addiction anonymous'?

There are only so many taglines and names we can come up with!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Two things come to mind:

    1. Real estate and financial services are purely marketing functions ... no manufacturing, no physical inventory, no distribution cost, etc. So the only questions a person going into those fields would have are marketing related.

    2. Once we answer a few questions in those areas, the search engines know we have expertise, and the next person who searches for "real estate marketing help" is pointed to MarketingProfs KHE. It's a self-perpetuating thing.

    Those are my thoughts for the day. It's too bad the cost of entry to those fields is so low; it invites people who are probably not really qualified. Oh, well. It is what it is. If it ever becomes unbearable, we can create a category for "Real Estate and Financial Services" and only those who care about that will go there.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    I gave up on the Tagline category after the 50th "real estate" tagline request.

    They just became soooooooooooo annoying, i know that people were expecting things for free and they wanted there OWN personal tagline. They don’t use the other hundreds of tagline that have been offered.

    If they become a premium member or post a few answers to some questions i will TRY to help them but other that i don’t go near them. Its not worth the trouble, they offer low points, not much info and often unsubscribe about a hour later andnever close the question.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Hi everyone

    There are some realtors who are asking sensible questions, so let’s not tar them all with the same brush! Yes, I agree that in the USA there seems to be a perception that selling a high value item like houses for a small % commission with little need for formal training or qualifications means that a bunch of chancers think that they can get lucky at least once a month. After all, 1.5% of $500,000 is still $7,500.

    It used to be thus in the UK in the 1980’s where every witless fool who could afford the shop front would try to ride the property boom when most people’s houses were making more money than the owners salary and purchasers climbed over each other to outbid the “competition” to buy any old pile of bricks, knowing that they could still sell it 3 months later for a 30% profit.

    Then the market turned and they all went bust – except for the professional real estate agents, who didn’t rely on catchy tag lines or “Now and cool” marketing gimmicks. They bought up the failures, trained the hapless staff and emerged as professional organisations run by people who could hold their heads high. They even invented and passed their own sets of qualifications!

    Over here, the same phenomenon is alive with the recruitment industry, where, it would appear, you only have to match one £40,000 candidate to a £40,000 job a month to earn £120,000 per annum. Hence the number of people whose career path seems to be:

    University / College > Sales Job > fail MBA > Set up Recruitment Consultancy.

    As I supply software to handle the client / candidate relationship and the associated business tools needed to run what must be one of the toughest sales jobs in the world (That’s real recruitment and head-hunting), I take great delight explaining the 20 or so things that would –be new entrants to this potentially lucrative business have to get right before they can spend their afternoons on the golf course.

    Thankfully, they have not yet realised that MarketingProfs is a site where they can plague us with pointless and ill thought out questions such as (Real example from 3 days ago) “What areas of sales recruitment would you advise me to go for so that we can utilise your software and what should I say to a client to get his business”

    So watch out friends, the would be recruiter is coming and just when you think that you’ve got the measure of fantasy realtors, you’ll have the plastic head-hunter to contend with!


    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions

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