
Topic: Branding

Name For An American Midscale Restaurant In Mexico

Posted by Anonymous on 375 Points
I am about to open an american style midscale restaurant (menu will include wings, burgers, salads, wraps, anc cocktails) in Monterrey, Mx (120 miles away from the border wiht USA), the local is in the hills with a city view and the concept is a food factory (that name food factory is already registred in Mexico) 150 capacity (120 restaurant 30 in the cocktail area), planning to open a second one within a year. Popullation in Monterrey is 3.5 million, Monterrey is a city that is familiar to american style restaurants, we have chains such as chilis, applebees, benningans among others. I am in the need of ideas for a name and a tagline, your help is greatly appreciated
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  • Posted on Member
    Culture Shock
    Fusing American Style and Mexican Fun

    (or whatever euphemism you want to use to describe Mexico... never been there... am Canadian. :)
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Hi aldoaguilars ,

    To position your midscale restaurant with an American-style name you might consider using geographical positioning references that will give your customers a sense of “place” to connect their minds to and help them remember. Names such as -

    North of the Border
    Chicago South, Kansas City South or pick any city or region in the US.
    America Style South
    Monterrey North
    Monterrey American Style
    120 Miles North or 500 Miles North

    you get the idea,

    or you could play off what’s already in the minds of your customers relating to America such as –

    Alias Smith & Jones
    American Graffiti
    America’s Kitchen
    Gringos :-)

    Hope this helps you,

    - Steve
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I think a lot will depend on who your target clientèle will be. Are you targeting Mexicans, or Expats and international focused Mexicans? I think the name and restaurant theme would vary based on how you answer this.

    For example, if targeting Mexicans, all of what was said above about keeping names simple, etc. come into play. But if targeting expats, then that doesn't really matter - and using a truly Americanized name would likely be the way to go.

    BTW - I spent a summer in Monterey at the end of my MBA program (back in the early 90s). My school had an exchange program with ITESM.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks a lot for all your answers, my target clientele will be mexicans level c+, b, b+ (I dont know if this makes sense that is how Mx classifies the income and education level) 18-40 yrs old, the local is in a plaza where a burger king, a curves for women and a coffee shop are located, my local is freestand, so I will be able to create an image, I liked the American___ concept, and the menu ideas, and eventough I liked the Mount Burger and Burger Heights, I dont think the word burger should be used due to the fact a Burger King is already in the plaza, thanks for keeping the ideas coming!!
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi aldoaguilars

    if NY is be called the "The Big Apple" then why not your restaurant in Monterrey be called

    "The Big Burger" ;-)

    other name ideas are........

    "Road to Texas"
    "Highway to Freedom"
    "Road to US"
    "American Wings"
    "American Cocktails"
    "USA: 120 Miles"
    "Burger Peak"

    if you want to tap into those who failed to make to US illegally, then name your restaurant as (just kidding ;-) )

    "INS Busters" (although the name has changed recently) ;-))

    hope this helps.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    How about something that plays on the reloaction of mexicans to the USA:

    Green Card
    The Immigration Dept

    Or, on a language theme:

    No Habla Español
    Se Habla Inglese

    And extending the "we speak" theme to food:

    Se Habla Comidas Amerigos (We talk American food, not sure if that's correct Spanish though)
    Se Habla Comidas y Bebitas (we talk food and drinks)

    Sounds like a fun project.

    Hope it goes well.

  • Posted on Member
    It is always a pleasure to help someone I can really understand. I am Dominican and it is clear to me what you need.

    It is obvious you need to make this proyect have the "international look" but you also need to make a conection with your target at their own level.

    In many cases you can take it up a notch and try educating your target with new things or new ways, but in this case with something so primal as food, fast food, the object is clear STAND OUT, LOOK "NON-MEXICAN" but HAVE A LOCAL SPIRIT.

    This is very delicate and you really need to make this decision carefully but still I will make one suggestion:

    AMERICAN WAY is a insteresting name because WAY sounds very similar to guey... que es como ustedes llaman a cualquier tipo no? que te pasa guey, que tienes guey? Oye guey! (o me equivoco?), also American Way is short, simple, easy to say... and displays clearly that the food eaten there is made the same way americans make it.

    I would love to be more helpful so please que us posted on what is your decision and how you finally worked things out. Feel free to contact me at any moment... estoy a sus ordenes.

    Good luck,

  • Posted on Accepted
    You've already gotten some fantastic suggestions, but since the question is still open I couldn't resist throwing in my two cents.

    The Great American Snack Shack

    Mary Jane's Grub 'n Grill
    (or some other generically recognizable American name as suggested by both SteveB and Jack).

    Good luck!


    Lucky Guppy Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks a lot to everyone, I found your help very useful, the name I chose was American Co. since the theme on the restaurant is a food factory, wish me luck and thanks again!!!

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