
Topic: Branding

Branding Of An Online College Event

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi folks,

I am a student of NITIE, one of India's premiere management institute. We have an online event called MastishK ( Last year we reached out to 2.5K people across the globe with minimal marketing. This year we are spending a lot on marketing and targeting atleast 20K participants.

Can you people pour in some ideas as to how to go about branding this event.

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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi mandar

    i like the site. its quite eyecatching. so you are actually running a online quiz competition targeted towards all the business schools.

    however, the following are my observations..

    1. the interactive page(that comes after scratching the head) doesnt tell of the date of joining the competition, or whether this is a continuous competition or not. this should be for each of the segement like Khoj and others.

    2. you should also have some information as to "How to Participate" and a "Back" link.

    3. when i am clicking on any contest (like on the MediaMogul page) enter link, if i am not a logged on member it should tell me. but i havnt seen any. you should incorporate this.

    4. also sanjeev has raised some good points on archiving previous winners.

    Regarding Positioning, first you answer yourself the following questions and the answers will tell you whether your current positioning theme is sufficient or not.

    1. who are your target customers? in yur about us page, you have mentioned the site is accessed be people from 20 countries. so is this a global b-schoolers competition?? or an Indian only
    2. Why would B-Schoolers will join? what benefits are they going to get.
    3. What do you mean by "Challenge of Intellect" and not "Challenge of Brains"
    4. what are cost to be part of Mastishk for a participant?
    5. what intangible benefits participants will get other than participating in a quiz contest. does this competition has recognition like University Challenge
    6. what is differentiating factor of Mastishk compared to University Challenge?
    7. also what kind/type/nature of questions particiapnts are being asked. is it related to business world, and business related that will sharpen participants business management skills which will be beneficial in real life after passing b-school.
    8. how many participants you want. i mean what is target no of participants will be enough for you, at least initially?

    hope this helps. do let us on your thoughts on this and if theres any other query. its interesting!!

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi mandar

    thanks for your response. those were meant for you ;-))

    now that you have answered the questions, tell us from your answers(and those not asked), what is the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of Mastishk?? what sets Mastishk apart from rest of all quiz contest that flood the online as well real world in India as well as around the world. What would that single Factor that set you apart, distinctive to a B-schooler in US or EU or a IT guy in Taipei, Silicon Valley to participate?

    honestly, i am sleepy, will get back to you tomorrow once i get your reply. hope u dont mind ;-)


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