
Topic: Branding

Pest Management Company - Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 333 Points
I am looking for a tag-line for a pest company. they erradicate everything from termites, ants, cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, to birds.

Looking for a few ideas with the marketing of such a company.

i am thankful for your thoughts and ideas

froom Jigsaw
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  • Posted on Member
    How about: Got Pest?

    - raj -
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    My top of mind response:

    Creepy, Crawly, Gone!

    What's the business called? (If you can say). I'm assuming it's in an Oz market. The tagline should fit well with the business name. So it would be helpful to know it.

    Does it have a good phone number? e.g. 131 007 - licensed to kill...

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted by browncatfan on Accepted
    The Critter Gitters.

    Puts Pests in Your Past.

    Puts pests in their place. Not YOUR place.

    A Good Investment for a Bad Infestment. (SORRY....)


  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi travis

    what sets you apart from rest of all the comeptiting companies? why would a client come to you for service?

    in order to help you with marketing ideas, we need to know a lot more about your company, the competitive advantages and all other answers to questions asked by experts here.

    anyway, regarding taglines, how about these.....

    "The Bug-Busters"
    "Licensed to Kill Bugs"
    "Bugs' Worst Nightmare"
    "Wherever Bugs are, we will kill"

    hope that helps.


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