
Topic: Branding

In Need Of Brand Name For Roofing Membrane

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
i need obselete brand names for polypropylene spunbonded non-woven(undertile roofing membrane)
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    First, why obsolete?

    Second, a good brand name communicates the brand's positioning. Do you have a positioning statement? If so, you need to share it with us so we can come up with on-strategy names.

    Third, who is the primary target audience for the brand? Are you selling to builders, roofing contractors, homeowners, other? The more specific you can be, the better. Be sure to let us know what region, country, or continent you will be serving.

    Fourth, how will you evaluate our name suggestions? What criteria will you use to select a brand name. If you tell us the criteria, there's a chance we can come up with a good name for you.

    P.S. Why obsolete?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You seem to be locked into a manufacturer mentality, because we're hearing a lot about what YOU do. Marketers start with the other end of the chain and look at the MARKET -- the customers who benefit from buying your product.

    Who are those people, and what problems to they have that you can solve? What makes your solution any different from, and better than, the other solutions available from a competitor?

    Does your expertise in lamination and coatings have any bearing on the spunbonded poly product? What's the connection, or is it just that your company threw money at it? Do you know the target audience for the spunbonded poly product? If so, how well?
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    some questions asked by experts answers to which will help you and us greatly in helping you.

    anyway, how about these...

    1. "PolyMem"
    2. "Memroof"
    3. "PROPOSE" (that acronym for POlyPROpylene Spunbonded membranE, taking the capital letters)
    4. "PolyRoof"
    5. "PROSPER" (that acronym for PolyPROpylenE Spunbonded membRane, taking the capital letters)
    6. "PROPEM"

    hope that helps.


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