
Topic: SEO/SEM

Google Adwords Content Network

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Google adwords campaigns have two networks -- the search network, where your ad appears on the right side of the page as a sponsored link, and the content network, where you ad appears on somebody's page near (what Google believes is) appropriate content.

I'm finding that I get way better clicks on the search network and am considering quitting the content network altogether. Does anyone have any advice or comment on this?


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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted

    That's been my experience completely. I think I've even read articles that mention the same thing.

    I will try to dig up a few and post links.

  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted

    I am also seeing the same results with my clients. I will tell you that some of my clients are getting very good results with their content clicks, it all depends on the audience the content network is reaching.

    I'm not sure what benefit you receive by quitting the content network and reducing your reach. Unless you are able to measure the value of each click you must consider any click-through to be valuable.

    Hope that helps.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted

    Common complaint, but the content network will almost always have a lot of impressions and very few clicks simply because of the difference in the way ads are fed and the motivations of people.

    One work around is on a campaign level you set up 2 different campaigns, one running on the search network and one running on the content network.

    Then, you can tweak the AdGroups, Ads and Landing Pages so to that they are more relevant to the nuances of a search vs. content delivery.

    It is extra work, but if you are getting any content conversions at all it might be worth.

    I know a lot of people eventually get tired of the content network inhaling their budget and turn it off, but it might be worth playing around with this mentioned method as it does allow you more individual network control.

    Contact me offline if you want to discuss further.

    I hope that helps.

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