
Topic: Branding

Technology Products - Naming Convention

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Need some help. We have gone through a re-thinking exercise in our company to relaunch an existing line of product but to re-name the extension.

ex: lets say the product is called Zulu we aim to have 5 versions of Zulu come out in a year. The different versions only have more functions and features.

The product is aimed at the user who would like to watch TV on their PC. The standard version lets you insert a card in your PC and gives you the ability to watch TV on your PC, play PC games, Home movies video editing, TIVO style functionality.

The only difference between this one and the ones up from it is more the ability to play more powerful games that need more power.

Our challenge is we know we need to keep this simple and came up with ideas around:

1) Standard Edition-technology change is once a year
2) Suite Edition-technology change is once a year
3) Professional Edition-technology change is twice a year
4) Platinum Edition-technology change is more than twice a year

We have reduced the number of products from 8 to 4 but need to know if the naming conventions used make sense or are there any other variables not taken into account.

Your Feedback is appreciated.

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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    One thing that is difficult with advising on a naming convention is that we really don't know what the product is. You said the product allows you to watch TV, edit home movies, and Tivo functions. This seems like a different segment then the PC gamers. This functionality differentiates it from video accelerators. E-Marketing addressed the "gamer" segment very well in his note. The only thing I might add is that the "base product name" needs to agree with the extensions. Zulu doesn't conjor up gaming images. Maybe somthing like

    RTS Video (real time strategy)
    RTS Video Player
    RTS Video Winner
    TRS Video Champion
    RTS Video Virtual Reality

    But, if this isn't chiefly a gamer product, but instead gives the TV and Tivo functionality, a direction might be:

    Computer Entertainment Center
    CEC Channel Surfer
    CEC Director
    CEC Producer
    CEC Studio

    I hope this helps you.


  • Posted on Accepted
    Good ideas from all these pros. Here's my two cents worth.

    First, it appears that, with it's 'TV' feature focus, you've got a consumer-oriented product. I'm assuming you've done some focus group studies to determine wants, needs, and price-points for your products within your target purchasers. If you haven't, you need to.

    Second, isn't the function, "play PC games...on your PC" already met by most PC's from the get-go? If so, this feature is probably irrelevant to most potential buyers. So, my guess is that most consumers will see little need for it, and therefore there isn't much to differentiate the product with this feature (correct me if I'm wrong).

    Third, at this point it then seems to me that your differentiators and primary features are: One, play TV on your PC; Two, record and playback TV programs (TIVO-function); Three, video editing.

    Fourth, given the above, I'd suggest only three versions with a consumer-oriented naming convention. Zulu -- standard with TV function. Zulu Plus -- with TV and TIVO functions. Zulu Extreme -- with TV, TIVO, and Editing functions.

    That's my thinking based on the information provided.

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