
Topic: Branding

What Are The Key Steps In Developing A Brand

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Need to create three different levels of help we might need from consultants in developing our brand. Need to create a branding initiative so need to understand the steps and areas involved in branding.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    If its a true project you have in mind then your probably best clicking on "Post a Project" on the righthand bar,
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Sorry, I think I short changed you there!

    Any consultant would probably give you the following advice ... the basics you need to get sorted are:

    Markets - you need a complete understanding of the markets you serve and how they view you. Understand the size of the markets, buying patterns, trends, customer profiles etc

    Positioning - how are you positioned in these markets and how are your competitors positioned.

    Differentiator - Fully understand how you are differentiated from your competitors.

    Once you have these basics, the rest is not far behind!
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    If you are serious about bringing in a consultant to help with your branding, then seriously, we have some of the very best minds available to you right here.

    Just follow the link

    Once you have seen the responses, you are under absolutely no obligation to hire someone.

    Good Luck

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