
Topic: Branding

Create And Prove Value Proposition

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
As a professional services we do a lot of things. How do we create a value proposition that can capture our broad capabilities and prove it to a potential customer.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Sorry, just a quick note on proving your proposition. A proposition is a position you hold in the market, and if that psoition is that you are, for example, "the cheapest", then either a testimonial or case study from a customers will help you to prove this position.

  • Posted on Accepted
    A value proposition answers the question, "Why should I buy your product or service?" In our December newsletter, we talked about a value proposition -- see . This article should answer your question about how to prove the value you deliver. And to AndrewS's point, case studies are a good method to demonstrate deliverables, as are referenceable clients for about-to-close prospects.

    BTW, your "position" is how you are perceived in the minds of your prospects or target market. Your "positioning" is how you wish to be perceived and what you do to create and maintain it.

    Good luck!
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi damodara

    great response from experts. my 2 cents....

    a Value Propostion is the factor/s that makes your brand/product/service stand out from the crowd of competitors if all other factors (i.e. price per gm, sku size, ingredients etc.) are same or equal footing among all the players.

    ideally to create a compelling value proposition, first find out a latent unfulfilled need of the consumers, pitch it against the competiton and see how does it 'edge' your brand in the consumers mind aka from consumers point of view, ensure that your brand provides the Unique Value Proposition to meet that need, and ensure your brand becomes the most preferred choice (in other words the synonym for the solution). This will, in a nutshell, create a compelling value proposition.

    following is a link to a similar previous question

    hope this helps.


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