
Topic: Branding

I'd Hire Me To Sell My Own Home...

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
People here take a dim view of realtors, not without cause. The perception is they're a dime a dozen, they're crooks, and they're all the same (Lexus-drivin', helmet hair havin', St. John knock off suit-wearin' bunch o' divorced gals or fast-talkin' former used-car-salespersons in sharkskin suits). That's most of my office...

Anyway, I'm different and not just coz I have better hair. I'm going on 3 years, I have made some money, and I want to make some more by differentiating myself, not just because I have my very own cute logo to brand me within my well known company.

What's different? I'm educated, I'm not only not crooked, I'm downright honest (and that's saying a lot in this work), I am here for the long haul not just one quick deal, and I'm choosy...I will not work with you unless I can show you the same dedication and service I would give my dearest friends. I am principled. Yes, I am good at making deals and marketing and I am able to make people feel ok through what can be a roller coaster ride of a transaction. I don't sell more than anyone else (nor do I want to grow to where I'm hands-off, I just want to raise my two kids on my own). I don't have a niche apart from the fact that all my clients have been heavensent and I'm so glad to have worked for them. I absolutely love my work, both buying and selling. Two niches I'd like to explore are newlyweds/brides, and divorcing people.

How to generate word of mouth? How to brand myself? My name is Angelina (a decade older than Maddox mom so I had the name first) and I love the idea of an angel...not the cheesy overused image! ANGEL-IN-A what? I like the idea of an "angel in a" home (not a loony bin type of home) or in a house or something home related...I am someone to watch over you.

As a person I am a single mom, have lived rags and riches big time, and I have seen a thing or two. If there's anything I can do to help someone decent (whether it's finding you a referral to a divorce attorney, getting you a nanny so we can look at homes, scheduling a good contractor to work in their home, connecting them to my stager for a complementary consult, buying them a home warranty, etc.) I will do. I'm down to earth and I'd love to hire me. How to tell other people they could have an angel work on their behalf? Thanks!
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Hello Angelina.

    Your enthusiasm is incredible, and I know you will make more of a succces at your chosen career.

    Back to basics.

    Lifestyle businesses like the one I think your interested in are becoming boom business, I have friends here in the Uk that have started a similar business and worked getting another one off the ground, both VERY different propositions.

    The most successful one is the one I worked with, as they had a definative idea about the type of work that they wanted to do and went after it, I guess it was like me when I started consultancy, I used a shattergun approach because I didn't know what my niche or core area of expertise was or would be, and I found it difficult.

    You seem to understand what your area of expertise is (or would be) and I think you should stick to your gut feeling.

    There are lots of guides out there about starting up a business, and they all give similar advice, this is taken from the businesslinks in the UK:

    Before you start
    * Considering starting up?
    * Finding and managing the money

    Forming and naming your business
    * Business names & structures
    * Buying a business

    Your workplace
    * Choosing and setting up premises
    * Keeping the workplace safe and your employees healthy

    Taxes, payroll & returns
    * Taxes, records and returns - getting started
    * VAT
    * Income, Corporation and other business taxes
    * PAYE and National Insurance

    Employing people
    * Becoming an employer for the first time

    Managing your business
    * Sales and marketing
    * Financial control, operations and transport
    * Contracts and suppliers
    * IT for start ups
    * Importing and exporting
    * Protecting your business & ideas
    * Choosing advisers and services

    I would also have a look at concierge type associations for help and advice,, is probably a good start.

    "Angel in a Home" I love it, brilliant idea :-)

    The very best of look, if you need any further help, either post here or gget in touch via email.
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Angelina,

    I'd hire you just because you acknowledge the realtor stereotype and tell me how you transcend it!

    You've already gotten some excellent advice here, but one thing I'd like to add is that you may want to consider choosing to target either the bridal/newlywed market OR the divorce market. You run the risk of coming across as a bit vulturish if you cater to both (catch you on the other end sort of implication). That said, I think that your single mom rags to riches background helps to make you more of a person and less of a commission monster. I also think that it naturally positions you to tap the single mom market. The question is, how large is that market in your area? Large enough to hang your shingle on it?

    Best wishes,

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