
Topic: Branding

Product Launch

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
my company is launching an existing product, but redisigned. The product is dehidrated soups, and are divided in 3 categories:Premium, mainstream and budget. I am wondering should we do the launch in 3 phases, or all at once, and should we use category management for positioning this product. should we use different chanells for different category?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    The reason to do three phases would be based on your resources and bandwidth to manage the launch. Also, you only need to take three different approaches if you are targeting 3 different buyers. Make sure you are really clear about the profile of the person you want to target for each of your three categories.

    Develop your launches based on your audience NOT based on your product line categories.

    Are you targeting three separate buyers?

    I will say that is is damn near impossible to effectively target three different buyers at the same time. Few companies have the resources to do this right. If you are, indeed, trying to reach three different buyers, pick your best target, then look for joint venture partners who already reach the other two target buyers and who can easily exploit their existing relationships.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    you have given little information of your target consumers' profile of 3 segments, and your brand's position, image, equity.

    based on your scant infomation, i would re-launch the re-designed brand in the Premium segment in the beginning. i will communicate about the re-designed pack in the re-launch campaigns and ensure distribution in all channels catering to mostly Premium but also some Mainstream channels. this will give more distribution coverage and you will be able to see the impact pretty clearly at the same time will reduce the risk of widely visible failure and related costs.

    this successful re-launch will later lead to re-launching of other 2 segment products. like Kligman said, you can ride on the acceptability of the Premium pack for mass re-launching of other 2 packs in all channels of distribution.

    hope this hepls.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Kligman and Mushfique Manzoor are giving you good advice. Start with the high-end product, then launch in the others later.

    Of course, this presumes you have a single brand name with three different target audiences -- not a great situation.

    In the ideal world, you'd have three different brands, each with their own positioning and name, and a brand manager responsible for managing each. The repackaging/launch issues would be specific to the brands, and the timing would be whatever the brand managers thought best for their brands.

    Alas, it's never a perfect world. I'd start with the premium product, then follow a year later with the other two.

    Are all three products sold through the same distribution channels? What country/countries?

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