
Topic: Branding

How Do I Brand My Product

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
i produce bottled water and i am currenly looking for a method of creating a competitive brand.
i want to create a brand that'll have loyalty.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Probably better if you click on "Post a Project" on the right hand bar ... this might get indepth!
  • Posted on Member

    Bottled water has a lot of competition these days. I've seen some store who have an entire aisle of just water. That being said, branding a product, any product, requires that you come up with a new and innovative way of positioning name and type of product within the existing marketplace. The name of the game is name recognition. What is your product's name? How are you setting this product up against the competition? Why would I, as a customer, want to choose your product over others on the shelf? What emotions do you want to associate with this product?

    Good luck, Debi
  • Posted on Author
    im located in nigeria an the market there is still pretty virgin.

    i just don't want to deal with issues like distribution and all i want a situation where if a customer thinks about drinking water, they remember my product.

    im trying to create a product which people would believe that it is a product for the masses, something that they believe would be readily available and within reach
    something designed for them.

    i got a unique bottle design but i also would want to add an "x- factor" to my marketing strategies
  • Posted on Author
    thanks Zahid

    i also want ur view on pricing and strating a price war
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Research Red Bull, and how they stormed the market .. great tactics, follow just 5% of it and it should stand you in good stead. You do realise that what you want will probably cost you a packet!

    Good Luck :-)
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The key to your success will be the branding and naming of your product, the packaging, the promotion strategy, distribution, etc.

    If the market there isn't saturated with bottled water, you may be able to play your first-in advantage, but you have to move quickly, and you better be well financed. You need to establish awareness very quickly, and you need distribution the moment you start advertising.

    Develop a positioning statement, hire a good marketing consultant and/or advertising agency, and don't be afraid to spend the up-front money to do it right. If that's not possible, save yourself a lot of aggravation and stop now. There is no way to do this on a shoestring budget.
  • Posted by Jeff K. on Accepted
    How about going to a local store and offer free bottles of water to the store's patrons for one afternoon. If you do this, you are building a brand on a local level and will perhaps start a grass roots word of mouth campaign.

    Good luck!

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