
Topic: SEO/SEM

Keyword Sponsorship And Search Term Relevance

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Is there any reason why you can't sponsor Keywords to have your link appear if the link doesn't contain the keywords?

We are currently marketing for a company who wants to reach cat owners. So, I would like to buy keywords searched by cat owners, but that are not associated with the product we are advertising.

For example, you can purchase "Siamese Cat", even though we aren't selling Siamese Cats, we're selling toys for all cats. Is there any reason why we can't do this, or will our sponsorship of the keywords be affected adversely if they don't contain the search term?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    Generally speaking, you can use any keywords that you want. Based on what you've said, there's no reason that someone selling cat toys could not use the phrase "siamese cat."
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Dave,

    You can bid on any keywords/phrases you want to in Google or Yahoo, however if they are not relevant to what you are selling, you are risking having them be disabled, de-activated or not accepted for listing.

    Google and Yahoo each have their own acceptance standards and level of tolerance. Yahoo is less tolerant than Google.

    The keyword or phrase does not have to be in your ad title or any of your ad copy, however, as Kathleen states, you are rewarded if your title or ad copy does contain the keyword phrase by having it bold-faced.

    Many times you can hit PPC gold (low bid, high CTR) by bidding on keywords that are associated with a product/service but are not the product/service such as your "Siamese Cat" when you are selling toys for cats. This is done all the time.

    Again, the downside is that if you don't accumulate enough clickthroughs or with the new Google keyword state model if you don't bid high enough your keyword/phrase will become inactive which also slows the whole account.

    Also, if your keyword/phrase is so far away from being relevant you will waste money on clicks because you will never get any conversions.

    You can also start looking at how you match the keyword phrase such as broad match, phrase match, exact match, negative match, but that is another discussion.

    I hope that helps.

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