
Topic: Our Forum

My Points

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
will i be getting paid for this. will this be a job for me.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    No, unfortunately the expert points don't have any cash value. They are simply a token to indicate how many questions you answer, how valuable your answers are to the people who posed the questions, and how many of your answers were accepted.

    We do this because we enjoy the community and we're willing to share our knowledge and experience with others. It's a small way to "give back" to a discipline that has been good to us.

    Having said that, several of us have found ways to use our participation on the KHE forum to help establish an additional credential and sell our services ... but if that's the only reason you're here, it's probably not going to be very satisfying.

    If you have something to contribute, try participating for awhile. If you find you enjoy it and belong to the community, you might stay. And if you don't, you haven't invested a lot to find out.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    5000 points gets you a permium membership (thats how i got mine)
    10000 points gets you a ad in the news letter
  • Posted by Valerie Witt on Moderator
    Hi ingrid819. Welcome to KHE!

    My friends have given you the best two answers. I'll also add that when you answer questions and win points, you can use those points to ask YOUR OWN questions. That's a big value. In fact, I'm going to refund the 250 points you used to ask this question, so you can post your marketing dilemma next time you could use some help brainstorming.

    For more info, be sure to check out the Quick Start page and the Community Guidelines. You'll find links to them in the box to the right (you see them when you're logged in).

    I hope this helps!


  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Indirectly, yes, you will be paid.

    If you learn from this forum, you will become more valuable to your company and/or clients, you will be come more visible to your marketplace, you will become more effective in your marketing.

    Some say the best way to learn is by teaching. If you become active in this forum, researching and sharing what you know best, I think you will find that, over time, you'll be seeing some good come back to you.

  • Posted on Accepted
    I have been paid by reading these posts, albeit indirectly. After reading members’ responses to my question, I became better at pricing my services in the company where I work, and now the client is readily paying their bills which means I will be readily getting my paycheck at the end of the month.
    As most of us know very well, money is not the answer to everything. Passion however is. Thus if you are passionate about what you do, even when writing responses, money is sure to follow – by hook or by crook.
    Besides some of the knowledge within this website is priceless to some, so how would you go about getting paid? I think your question does not make sense, although when I tell my co-workers about this site, the first thing they ask me is “how much does it cost?”
    So your question is not altogether out of whack.
    I just don't put such a high premium on money, but somehow I always seem to have money- maybe it's one's passion for a job well done?
    Trust me if you are passionate about what you do the money will follow- even if you do not want it- this applies equally to road sweepers and to brain surgeons.

    Take away message: Passion pays

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