
Topic: SEO/SEM

Ecommerce Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm planning a ecommerce business selling consumer electronics online, I have done well selling stuff from two shops but need to expand my market and grow the business. I have found a potential business partner to help with the technology and funding, I understand traditional marketing, but need help with the ecommerce strategy.

Any pointers from you talented guys, an ecommerce strategy template would be great, as I have no idea how to format the document.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Geminiproducts,

    What you need is a full e-marketing plan, not just a strategy document.

    What this will do is identify and analyze all potential areas of e-marketing that could drive business to your online presence. It will include both strategic and tactical frameworks.

    I'm sure you know this, but the problem you face is that even with a template, unless you have a strong understanding of current e-marketing and e-commerce tools and practices, you will have a hard time completing it properly and end up with a roadmap that probably won't lead you down road you would like to take.

    If you are not satisfied with the responses you get after this post has ran its course and need more help, please feel free to contact me offline by clicking on my name - read my profile, and we can talk about this in more detail.

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Agree with the above, I have documents that might help, but you are better off following the advice above.

    The strategy is easy, concentrate on Traffic, Conversion and reduce the cost of each sale.

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks all, that was useful.

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