Further evidence that mainstream media is giving blogging a big group hug came last Monday, July 3...

...when while on vacation in southern Maine I picked up a copy of the Boston Globe to find my "blogging lies" post featured in Maura Welch's "Business Filter" column. (Apparently the Boston Globe is also in print–? Who knew?!)
Later that week, Maura picked up my BFF Mack Collier's "Top 25" marketing blogs list and David Armano's "Mavens, Connectors, Salesman" graphic, which was itself inspired by HP's (and Daily Fix contributor) Eric Kintz's post on the Marketing Viral Community.
And then today, Mack is profiled in today's Atlanta-Journal Constitution in an piece about using a blog in your job search. He chats up ways to grow a blog, being passionate about your subject, and (since this is Mack, after all): the importance of community. Read Mack's interview here.
Elsewhere, Daily Fix contributors are getting some nice exposure. My Blogaholics Anonymous sponsor David Armano co-hosted the latest episode of Joseph Jaffe's podcast, Across the Sound, which David says is the second most popular marketing podcast (according to iTunes). David performed wonderfully with the illustrious Joe, even if he did acquire a serious case of Voice-Envy after David's wife swooned over Joe's accent, which is Westport, Connecticut by way of South Africa. Listen to their chat here.
Finally, speaking of sexy British accents, Karl Long debuted his Co-Creative Business Show this past week. (If you'd rather view the show notes as opposed to downloading the actual sound file, try this link instead.)
Karl's show will be a weekly podcast on co-creation, co-creative business, technology and social media. His virgin show is an interesting chat on Second Life, which Karl wrote about here, as well as other topics. David: Alert your wife.
Is all of this a bit incestuous? Of course. But in my mind that's blogging's strength, not its weakness.

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image of Ann Handley

Ann Handley is a Wall Street Journal best-selling author who recently published Everybody Writes 2. She speaks worldwide about how businesses can escape marketing mediocrity to ignite tangible results. IBM named her one of the 7 people shaping modern marketing. Ann is the Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs, a LinkedIn Influencer, a keynote speaker, mom, dog person, and writer.