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  • There's so much media hype about Gen Z and its impact on our business world that it can be difficult to sort through it all—especially for marketers. Here are insights from CBX's research about the generation that's breaking cultural barriers.

  • Supposedly, customers don't know what product they want until someone creates it. But that's not true: Customers do know what they want—and there's nobody better than marketers to tap into those needs and desires to understand what customers want.

  • Digital-first creates customer experience challenges for B2B enterprises, while demand gen and brand positioning become the top priorities, according to the B2B Marketing Monitor study conducted by B2B International.

  • Jill Thomas, CMO of PGA TOUR Superstore, explains how she digitized the high-touch retail experience of buying golf equipment and achieved record-breaking sales and growth during a pandemic.

  • There's no denying that good Web design matters for creating positive customer experiences. However, your B2B clients will look beyond your website for assurance that you're the right company to meet their needs. Here six ways to convince them.

  • As the world shifts further toward a culture of technology following the tumultuous year of 2020, building a culture of trust is a difficult task for any brand. Show your customers they can trust you by focusing on these three things.

  • Are you paying enough attention to your customers' post-sale journey? Probably not. Now's the time to up your game, provide content your customers want, and build advocates for your brand. You need a customer-engagement strategy. Sponsored by Uberflip.

  • Sure, B2B buyers may be back, and budgets may be recovering, but buyer behavior has fundamentally changed. Adapt to altered buying behaviors by following these three tips.

  • The transformation to digital engagement from in-person selling has undoubtedly been a challenge. Seven executives from Fortune 1000 companies share their experiences of successfully shifting to digital customer engagement.

  • The current environment is a great chance to reconsider your content marketing funnel, stage by stage, and adjust it to our new reality. Here's exactly what you can do.

  • How do you determine when a customer is loyal to your brand? This article breaks down customers into five levels of loyalty, and outlines how to market to each level.

  • When marketers want to measure customer experience and loyalty, they often use Net Promoter Score (NPS), which focuses on whether customers would recommend your product or service. That's nice to know, of course, but reliance on that one simple metric is likely limiting your opportunities for growth and excellence. It's time to go beyond NPS and use a KPI that actually forecasts loyalty and growth.

  • Customer trust is at an all-time low. But marketing with truth and honesty isn't only about integrity—it actually increases your company's profitability. Here's how.

  • The million-dollar question: Is a customer experience investment worth it? Find out why this is a flawed question in this e-book.

  • Evolutionary psychology and digital marketing expert Tim Ash shares insights from his book 'Unleash Your Primal Brain: Demystifying How We Think and Why We Act.'

  • Sweet treats, tumblers, and e-commerce gift cards were among the most popular gifts B2B firms sent to buyers and customers in 2020, according to recent research from Sendoso.

  • The pandemic has changed everyone, including your customers. The buyer personas you created a year ago no longer apply. Here's how to adapt your messaging and content for your customers' current needs and behaviors.

  • Do you have a solid grasp of your users' preferences, including how, and how often, they want to be contacted by you? Most marketers have room for improvement in this area—and the opportunity to boost loyalty and revenue. It's time to up your preference-management game. Sponsored by OneTrust.

  • In the era of "fake news," getting someone to trust your content is not an easy task. But customers are more prepared to trust brands and businesses than other sources. Here's how to take advantage of it.

  • Online presentations and webinars are too often dragged down by surplus information or they're cluttered with self-promotion. Nobody has time for that. Make your presentation lean and mean by taking this article's advice.