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  • Sweet treats, tumblers, and e-commerce gift cards were among the most popular gifts B2B firms sent to buyers and customers in 2020, according to recent research from Sendoso.

  • Online presentations and webinars are too often dragged down by surplus information or they're cluttered with self-promotion. Nobody has time for that. Make your presentation lean and mean by taking this article's advice.

  • Demand generation is a critical tool in a marketer's arsenal. But it's also an ever-evolving discipline—and if you don't keep up, you'll be left behind. It's time to make sure your demand gen efforts are well matched to your increasingly savvy target audiences. Sponsored by Sendoso.

  • Making big improvements in the buyer experience doesn't have to mean a massive amount of immediate work. You can start with a few small changes. To create an outstanding buyer experience, take these four small steps first.

  • Are your marketing programs designed around what you think your customers want, or what you know they want? If you're not taking advantage of customer feedback, you're missing a huge opportunity. Get ready to harness the power of human insight. Sponsored by UserTesting.

  • Unlocking the nuances of the human brain in relation to marketing is a fascinating area of study. Nancy Harhut joins us to talk psychology, behavioral sciences, questionable experiments, and how these all relate to marketing.

  • Technology is transforming selling. For example, 55% of sales data entry was eliminated in 2020 by automation, and 79% of sales teams currently use or are planning to use sales analytics to improve efficiency.

  • Use of intent data is growing, and for good reason. But as with most new digital marketing tools, there is a lot of confusion about what intent data actually is and what it can do for your marketing. Here's a quick overview.

  • Marketing teams are now using virtual events and meetings to generate MQLs. If marketers can do that at scale, though, Sales can get something even more valuable than Marketing-qualified leads: Marketing-qualified meeting (MQMs). Here's what you need to know.

  • More than half of sales leaders say the failings of their customer relationship management (CRM) platform are leading to lost revenue opportunities, according to recent research.

  • Most B2B tech and telco marketers say their firm plans to increase the number of marketing channels in its media mix in 2021 and to focus on driving efficiencies in targeting, according to recent research from WARC and Spotify.

  • Now that tradeshows and events have shifted to digital, sponsorship packages look much different. But there are still ways to attract sponsors and get their brands and offers in front of event attendees. Check out these nine useful tips.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic led IT buyers to spend more time learning about tech solutions last year and also led more buyers to rely on webinars while researching, according to a recent report.

  • All marketers have to be Swiss Army knives, but to be successful at demand gen you have to upgrade yourself to the Ultra-Military-Grade Leatherman of marketers. And when you devote so much time generating leads, the last thing you want to do is let them languish without a solid follow-up plan.

  • COVID has shown us that everything is connected—and in a business setting, connection requires alignment among departments, Sales and Marketing included. From a sales enablement perspective, here's how you can drive alignment.

  • B2B salespeople are much more likely than B2B marketers to say their company's sales and marketing teams cooperate effectively, according to recent research from Outfunnel and Copper.

  • In this exhilarating B2B Backstage webinar, best-selling author and marketing guru Andrew Davis will show you how to use the loyalty loop to leverage your existing clients to drive a steady stream of highly valuable, high-margin, new business.

  • The creation of targeted information—about companies, products, services, and more—has been around for generations. Collateral, sales aids, product literature, brand books... all were earlier monikers for what's now lumped into "content." It's a long-established discipline. And here's how it actually works.

  • We're all scrambling for new ways to connect with customers during COVID, but the easiest method could be right on our desktops: LinkedIn. The platform is more popular than ever, and many companies are overlooking features that could factor into 2021 marketing plans.

  • 2020 changed everyone, including B2B buyers, and your content strategy must change with them—which means better personalization. But it doesn't mean being stalker-y. Instead, use these five tips for a truly personalized B2B strategy.