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  • Small business owners and entrepreneurs rank content marketing, social media ads, and word-of-mouth as the most effective tactics for garnering interest and attention from audiences, according to recent research from Skynova.

  • SESSION 3 of 4: You've got your Sales Enablement Plan research and preparation completed (Session 2)... Now what? Join Pam Didner in Session 3 of her series: Creating Your Sales Enablement Plan to create a three-step plan that builds a bridge with your Sales team!

  • SESSION 2 of 4: Aligning your Sales and Marketing teams requires an action plan! Discover the steps to a successful Sales Enablement Plan that increases your impact on sales. Join Pam Didner for the second session in her Sales Enablement: Aligning Marketing and Sales Working Webinar Series.

  • High-quality website traffic helps improve your revenue and marketing ROI. So how do you get there? Brian Dean shares tips, tricks, and tools for a strategy that results in more sales and leads.

  • Is your ABM strategy following deals through close, or is it focused only on the top of the funnel? If the latter, your strategy is actually limited to tech and demand gen instead of true ABM.

  • SESSION 1 of 4: Your customers want great content. Your Sales team wants your support! Join Sales Enablement Expert Pam Didner in this first session of her Sales Enablement: Aligning Marketing and Sales Working Webinar Series. You'll learn how to ensure your marketing content is just what Sales needs.

  • Kenda Macdonald, the Demand Generation Consulting Practice Lead at MarketingProfs, took the stage at the Forrester B2B Summit in Austin in early May 2022 to deliver an information-packed presentation on how marketers can dramatically increase the efficacy of their lead gen efforts.

  • The best way to establish a lead-scoring system is to follow what makes marketing so effective: knowing your core audience and setting goals. Check out this article for more on lead-scoring.

  • You know email is crucial to your marketing success. But if you're not seeing the results you need, you need some new tools and strategies to get you back in the game. Join us for this webinar to discover how to drive lead gen success with email in 2022. Sponsored by ViB.

  • You know when you were a kid visiting a museum and hated reading long blocks of text but loved the slimy "touch and feel" displays? That's pretty much how interactive advertising works—and for generating leads, it definitely works.

  • When done right, phone conversations can transform your marketing ROI. Learn what can happen when you put as much focus on phone conversations as you do other marketing strategies. Check out this webinar to discover the strategies leading brands are using. Sponsored by Invoca.

  • Digital marketing consists of so many tactics that it can be hard to tell what's working—which may be why many companies suspect that it isn't. But these four tried-and-true tactics should always be part of the mix.

  • B2B marketers say social media was the most successful tactic they used for generating high-quality leads at the top of the funnel last year and webinars was the most successful mid-funnel tactic, according to recent research from Demand Spring.

  • To be engaged with your brand, your audience needs personal connection. But in the age of increasing data privacy laws and restrictions, it's not so easy to launch targeted campaigns. What's a marketer to do? That's exactly what we're covering in this free webinar. Sponsored by Drift.

  • How do you know you've created a great piece of content? Pageviews? Social shares? Those are nice, but we really want to see content generate leads. Here are some tactics that can help.

  • B2B marketers say the biggest benefits of a data-driven demand generation strategy are better lead quality and better customer experiences, according to recent research from Act-On and Ascend2.

  • Are you creating content based on what you think your audience is interested in? Or is your content calendar guided by their actual questions, concerns, wants, and needs? Discover how to make content that speaks to your customers in a big way to close bigger deals in less time.

  • B2B marketers say the biggest challenges they face with demand generation are generating high-quality leads and collecting high-quality data, according to recent research from HIPB2B and Ascend2.

  • We help a lot of marketers and business leaders untangle their demand generation efforts. This e-book shares the top 6 Demand Gen Mistakes we see regularly. We've also included some helpful exercises to flesh out exactly where it's going wrong.

  • So... you're relatively new to content marketing. You keep hearing about "sales enablement." What exactly is that? And what content types can you tailor specifically for Sales? This article has your answers.