
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Operations Improvement Program

Posted by Anonymous on 300 Points
We are a logistics consultant and we sell a program that helps companies in distribution and retail improve the productivity of their warehouse employees and fleet drivers.

So far we have used the name PIP (Productivity Improvement Program) but it seems to us this conveys the idea that it is a one-time program whereas in reality it is an ongoing program that they need to internalize and make it become part of their corporate culture.

One more thing we do not like is that we are not just helping them improve their productivity, but we have a much wider approach, helping them with safety issues, quality issues, etc. Actually the program improves their logistics operations in the distribution center/fleet as a whole, not just their productivity.

We like the idea of an acronym, since it is easy to remember, but we feel PIP (unless we also indicate what it stands for) is not a very explanatory or "cool" name.

Any ideas about how we could name the program? A short acronym with an explanation of what it stands for is kind of what we are looking for, but all suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for all your creative ideas!!!!
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I would change from program to process....

    A tag line might be
    Productivity is a process not a program

    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted on Accepted
    Dear Evan,

    It sounds like your company has a lot more to say about this product/program than what is possible with the type of name you’ve chosen.

    As your name can function as an extension of your brand, you may want to look into another ‘type of name’ , one that can convey more of the program benefits and brand personality.

    I welcome the opportunity for you to contact me offline. I have a document that can help you develop your naming strategy.

    Best Regards,

    Jennifer Lueck
    Marketing M.O.
  • Posted by Don Meyer on Accepted

    WOMP...Warehouse Operations Management Plan

    EWOK...Excellence in Warehouse Operations & Knowledge (nod to Star Wars: Return of the Jedi) -- add on an "S" with the word System, Solution or Strategies

    WOLIP...Warehouse Operations & Logistics Improvement Program/Process

    WOLEP...Warehouse Operations & Logistics Enrichment/Enhancement Program/Process/Plan

    PALET...Productivity Assessment & Logistics Enhancement Training (I couldn't come up with another "L" word)

    ~The High Performance Warehouse (leave off system, program, process, etc. ; forget the acronym) Can you see it?..."The High Performance Warehouse is an integrated approach that improves safety, logistics, and operations...."

    Hope these get you thinking.


  • Posted on Accepted
    Process IMprovement Objective aka PRIMO which most people know means exceptionally good, best of it's kind, etc....that's something you can help the client build an entire campaign around to help infuse it into the corporate culture.

    If you want to go broader since many of the benefits you mentioned can actually improve the bottom line:

    Profit IMprovement Objective(or some other "O" word)

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    It seems to me PIP already has a meaning in the transportation industry (Personal Injury Protection - related to insurance and not process improvement).

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