
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing Research Problems Or Opportunities

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a student and have been assigned a project in which I must identify a company with a specific research problem or opportunity and analyze them extensively. I am having a hard time finding information on companies like this. Is there any specific company that has obvious problems/opportunities with marketing research and where could I find information on them?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Does it have to be a company? There are many state and federal agencies that would fit your profile that could benefit from this type of analysis.

    Marketing Riot
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    All companies have problems. Pick one that you have a genuine interest in and do the research. If you pick an accounting firm and you hate accounting, you'll flag for sure. If you love coffee and you pick Caribou you'll enjoy the process and do better.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Why not pick a company that is known to be in some kind of trouble and call their MR head and ask what sort of research problems they have, and how they solve them? Should give you a good start.

    1. Either of the major auto makers
    2. Any major airline
    3. any legacy telecommunications provider
    4. Most newspapers

    (I have to presume you are in the USA although your pristine, uncompleted profile gives no info about you at all, hint hint).

    Hope that helps

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I'd be willing to go under the microscope. My small (one person) company has extensive "market research" related problems and opportunities. For example, here's a recent post:

    I have a semi-unique business which involves some "seat of the pants" market research for a variety of companies. Since the business is somehat unique, this may make for an interesting paper. As I write this response, I'm at the library, taking a bit of a break from doing research for clients...

    If you would like to discuss further, please feel free to contact me offline. In any event, good luck with your project.
  • Posted by charles.stannard on Accepted
    Check out Cadillac's Catera launch. The product didn't do very well, and market research was part of the problem.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Pick British Airways - they have a lot of problems now

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