
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For A Swim School

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Lozada has become a name synonymous to swimming in the Philippines. The Bert Lozada Swim School is in fact perhaps the best known swimming school in the country. Since it is such, it seems fitting that the line or the slogan for the school should reflect its heritage. Being the institution that it is, it has credibility to claim its expertise in swimming since 1956. This should be capitalized and leveraged on. Other approaches too may be explored but this seems to be the brands clear strength and differentiator. We are the only swim school in the Philippines that has a complete program from infants to adults. We treat each student that graduates in our program a Champions. Please help us in our tagline.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar on July 20 that you might want to attend. (It's a virtual seminar, so all you really need is a decent Internet connection.) The title of the seminar is: Positioning, Naming and Taglines. It will address the very issue you're raising in your question, and there will be a real-time exercise that deals with creating an effective tagline.

    I recognize that the time difference (between the US and the Philippines) is going to make attending the live conference a bit of a challenge -- unless you're normally up and alert at 3 a.m. Fortunately, the seminar is recorded and available for playback pretty quickly after the seminar ends, so you might consider that approach as an alternative.

    Magandang araw sa'yo!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Personal note to angelo: My wife used to train with Trudy, Corazon, and Tessie ... knows Bert ... represented the Philippines in 2 Asian Games and 2 Olympic competitions (swimming and diving, 4 years apart). Contact me privately if they want to re-connect and catch up on life!

    (You didn't include an email address in your profile, so I have to get to you this way!)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    Hi Angelo,

    Hope you're having a great day but more importantly a WONDERFUL LIFE!


    Planning on creating a powerful tagline that moves your customers toward you at an amazing speed?...that's Great! But take the time and invest wisely in a name that will change the future of your business because you were willing to sacrifice and make smart choices. It's very easy to make dumb ones...I KNOW I've made a lot of them. Fortunately I've become wildly successful. Not because of the mistakes but because of what I've been able to learn from making them. Now you don't need to make all the ones I've made so please let me help you. Many people make mistakes in the names they let others give them. Why? Because then they don't have to take full responsibility for failing when it's the name that has a great deal to do with whether the business becomes a huge success or it ends up just becoming a HUGE FLOP!!

    They take the matter lightly. And let me be the first to say that I am probably one of the most "Playful and Humorous" of all the experts here so being light has it's advantages...(click my name profile. Read some of the questions I've asked and you'll see). My degrees in ART & Accounting make me a cross between Leonardo da Vinci & Michelangelo. And while my prolific ability could allow me to create for you nearly 10-20 variations on a name I respect that the process is more than just "Name Generation". So making the right choice of a good quality name that will bring you much goodwill is not a light matter. ***So don't you take it lightly either*** and make the mistakes most people do.

    So here's some research I've just pulled together for you to help you avoid the aweful blunders people make in name choosing and tagline creation. I reference other experts on our forum as I have learned so much about the process of creating powerful names and taglines from them through the past several years. It's full of some questions that will help you think more clearly about the process so that you can have a successful name that will make a difference first to your customers and then to your company. The only real reason why anyone goes into business anyway is to ---Take Great Care of a Customer---. If you take care of a customer your customer will take care of you :- )

    Any additional information you offer us as we're helping you with your magnificent company name only brings you better results. The more you offer the better the results. The less you offer the poorer the results. If you offer less you're probably going to get less even though we want to give you So Much MORE...It's like trying to build a Great Big house on a little bitty small teeny weenie foundation. If you give us enough foundation will build you a Great Big House to put your name in :-)

    Most people fail to do the above even though we highly recommend it because it's so much easier to let others do the work and you can always blame your failures on them RIGHT! But the right information really does make a huge difference for you and that's what you really want in the end right?...

    Even in basic name creation or "idea generation" establishing a starting point often requires establishing purpose. Taking the steps using the following information below will start, direct and lead that process in the right direction for you.

    A business name should be the out growth of the market you are trying to reach. All names including "A new business name or Tagline" must have some part or a lot of the following comments also made by my three expert friends who participate in our forum below.

    williamarruda says…
    "Your tag line should be 'catchy' and it should speak directly to your target audience and differentiation. A good place to start is to make a list of all the things that differentiate your offerings from your competitors. Then think about which of those differentiators is compelling to your target audience."

    provides these great suggestions...
    "Who is the target audience? That's the most important input we need in order to help you with the name. Once we understand who the target audience is, the next question will be "What is the most important benefit they will realize if they use your service?" What makes you different from and better than your competitors?"

    offers a great deal of insight on this...
    "To really be successful with this query in KHE, your query demands answers to a number of questions regarding your product that will help guide the naming process:

    -What ARE your USPs? Why would someone go to you v. any of the other businesses?

    -Where are you located?

    -What are the short- and long-term business goals for the company, and how are you going to market this new brand in a very large arena with few real players?

    -What are your company’s Core Proposition and Brand Personality?

    Core Prop: What makes you different? Tagline. USPs in a phrase.


    Bounty: The quicker picker-upper.

    Brand Personality: Describe the product as a person. What is this person’s personality? Outgoing? Vivacious? Mysterious? Is this person an over-achiever? Friendly?

    All these will lead to a series of statements, attributes and directions that are called a Creative Brief. With the properly developed Created Brief, virtually anyone can come up with a name that works."

    This will get us started. By completely answering these questions it would make it much easier to provide you with a name that provokes your clientele to seek your business out over the others. REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Here you go Angelo,

    The Bert Lozada Swim School...Where Champions are made.

    The Bert Lozada Swim School...With a history of making Champions.

    The Bert Lozada Swim School...Where Swimming & Champions are made for you.

    The Bert Lozada Swim School...Your Champions of swimming.

    The Bert Lozada Swim School...Our Focus is Creating Champions.

    The Bert Lozada Swim School...We have a system for creating Champions.

    The Bert Lozada Swim School...Our Tradition is Champions.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE

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