
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For An Employee Suggestion Scheme

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
Hi everyone ... here ya go.

We want to recognise and reward suggestions from our employees which lead to improvements in our business ... they could range from cost savings to improvements in our delivery of exceptional customer experience.

I'm looking for ideas for a snappy engaging name for the scheme / process ... and any ideas you might have for innovative ideas for engaging our employees attention and for capturing their ideas.

We value thinking outside the box, want you to focus on our challenge and are offering big reward points for good ideas. Looking forward to your exciting and original input.

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  • Posted on Member
    Dear John,

    Its really great to encourage employees to play an active participation in improving business.
    .... CEO's think tank... if the suggestion is accepted, you can name the ideas using thier surnames...
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Start by thinking what's in it for the employees? Why should they contribute/care?

    An airline (Southwest?) has a program where any suggestion that resulted in a cost savings to the company resulted in a reward (a % of the savings, up to a maximum dollar figure). The upside is you'll get a lot of ideas, but you might get idea hording and not foster a spirit of cooperation in solving the problem. So, you can create suggestion teams (think sports teams) - complete with t-shirts and a "name". The teams meet, pool ideas, and make suggestion as a group. This'll build community within the organization and encourage the weaker members to join in.

    If your employees/clients are worldwide, then offer an all-expenses trip to a client (and their town) that's benefited from their solution.

    Other rewards: prime parking, limo rides for a week, catered meals for the family for a week, private dinner with CEO & winner's family, etc.

    As for the name - make it the first employee challenge. Announce the program, and offer a suitable prize (to your favorite, even if you don't use it). That will start people thinking now about the upcoming program.

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