
Topic: Taglines/Names

Security Sureveillance (cctv)

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Greetings to all,

I am planning to start a new company of CCTV, Security Surveillance. Can you please suggest some good name and tag line.

Looking forward for your kind help.

Thanks & Warm Regards

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Watch Out
    We See All
    Never Sleep Surveillance
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    You should really start with a marketing strategy and a positioning statement that defines your target audience and the unique benefits you will promise (and deliver to) them. When you know what you want to communicate then we can come up with name suggestions and tagline options.

    Without that kind of direction, how will you know which of the suggestions to accept? What criteria will you use to judge the options?

    We can be a lot more helpful if you give us better strategic direction.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all the names and support.

    Let me tell u something more abt my business.

    I am going to take a distributorship of one brand who is into DVR card. So basically, i am would be a authorized distributor / stockiest for one state (Maharashtra).

    And 2nd, i will also take direct end user order for implimenting CCTV in his organisation.

    So my target audience 1) System Integrators who are into CCTV
    and 2) End user too.

    But mainly focus on distributorship.

    Hope this will help you

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