
Topic: Taglines/Names

Project Title For Childhood Obesity Project

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I an working on a project funded through a federal grant. The current name that is pretty descriptive is "Galvanizing Hartford, Connecticut to End Childhood Obesity" This is just to long! Our executive summary outlines our focus: “Using our leadership among more than 200 faith communities citywide, we will accomplish the following objectives:”

Establish partnerships among neighborhood store owners, local growers, and faith-based advocates.
Form an advisory board of local grocery chain managers.
Advocate for economic incentives at the city and state level to reduce or mitigate the risks associated with provision of fresh produce.
Advocate for economic benefits such as tax incentives for neighborhood grocery stores that buy in-state produce.
Advocate for ease of farmer participation in becoming certified to accept food stamps as a payment mechanism.

Our focus is on advocating for change, through city and state government and the communities of faith in Hartford, CT. I would love to get some respones for a good title project.
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  • Posted on Author
    Yes, that is correct.

    Mark Harol
  • Posted by kevin.shoesmith on Accepted
    Working Together to Create ...
    "A Healthier Hartford"

    Health Hartford. Ending Obesity.

    Creating Healthy Hartford Children

    Get Obesity Out of Hartford

    Hartford: Obese No More

    Healthy Hartford Kids

    Curbing Childhood Obesity ...
    "Hartford's Healthy Story"

    Ending Childhood Obesity ...
    "A Healthy Hartford"

    Hartford Childhood Obesity (with a big red X through the word Obesity)

    Just a few thoughts to consider. Good luck.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for the quick response. Nothing has grabbed me yet. I would like to see a tie between advocacy and the mission. Thanks again.
  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    How about ECO? (Ending Childhood Obesity)
    Or Angels' ECO - or something similar if you want to include the faith-based aspect.
    or ECO of Change

    You could play on 'echo' in your tagline. E.g.:
    Echoing the concerns of Hartford
    Respond to the echo for a healthy Hartford

    Some other ideas:
    Hartford Roots - (community/social roots, roots of the plants)
    The Hartford Food Chain
    Healthy Food Healthy Families
    Hartford Produces
    Real Food Advocates
    Good For You Hartford (good for you as in healthy, and as in good going)
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    If you focused simply on the nutrition side of the obesity issue you could go with Heart-food, Connecticut.

    The activity/exercise could be "Unplug and plug in"

    The deeper.....the REAL...issues would be harder.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Have Faith To End Childhood Obesity
    The Skinny On Childhood Obesity
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for the suggestions, please email me if you come up with anymore.

    Mark Harol
  • Posted on Author
    Hey this really works!! I have taken a part of number of suggestions and pieced this together. I will present it to the powers to be:

    Faith Produces Change
    "Reducing Hartford's Childhood Obesity"

    Good For You Hartford
    "Faithfully working to end Childhood Obesity"

    Keep them idea's coming!

    Mark Harol
  • Posted on Author
    I appreciate everyone's contribution. We wer able to come up with an acceptable new project title by combining a few idea's generated from this forum. We settled on "Faith PRODUCEs Change" We will highlight the Produce part and combine it with a logo of fresh produce. Thanks for the help.

    Mark Harol
    Conference of Churches Hartford, CT

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