
Topic: Taglines/Names

Motivational Campaign Theme Name

Posted by vasudev_kamath on 250 Points
Motivational Campaign Name, Catch line & Tagline

Hi Friends,

Need URGENT help on Motivational Name, catch line & tagline for our motivational campaign for 2010:11 for our employees taking into the below parameters/focus/key points in mind

Our company's is :-

1)Focusing on Growing our Business in new Markets with teamwork, enhancing operational efficiency with cost savings & cost reduction.

2) More responsiveness to customers & winning the World Communication Award.

3) Ability to respond quickly to changes and deliver as an organization a new world of communications to advance the reach and leadership of our customers.

Please can you suggest what can be the best suited
motivational/inspirational campaign Name & tagline which will cover all the above given key points.

This is a Global telecom company with it's offices globally in 49 countries & 7 continents.

Many thanks & Regards for your time & inputs.
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  • Posted by vasudev_kamath on Author
    Thanks a Ton Phil for that prompt response here are the responses to your query:-

    We want a central name catchline & tagline so people take that as the core subject all through FY:10:11 on the points 1,2, 3 mentioned above & so once they hear or see posters danglers or the leadership team refers to this campaign name employees should be charged up 1) Get sales from new & emerging markets, 2) Be more responsive to customers need & win the World communication award by being voted as the best Telecommunication provider, 3) Respond to customers need as quickly at the shortest possible time by deliver a new world of communication products.

    In 2009 we focused on cross functional team work & called it "Synergy" - Strengthening relationships, fostering business. Together we can, together we will.

    In 2008 we focused on faster responses to customers & called it "Velocity" - Redefining Direction, Maximizing speed.

    Trust this answers your query.

    Look forward to innovative & motivating responses.

    Best regards,
  • Posted on Accepted

    Extending our reach. Achieving our goals.

    Let's grow together.


    Your feedback on the above direction would be welcome.


    Brent Scarcliff
    Scarcliff Salvador Branding and Naming Agency
  • Posted by vasudev_kamath on Author
    Hi Brent Scarcliff,

    Thanks for those inputs, you are extremely close to what we actually want or desire the output the name to be.

    can you suggest some alternate power words to Vitality.

    Vitality actually means - high energy, full of life & liveliness.

    We want to convey a name which should mean one of the following so it could form the catch line.


    Extending our Reach, Achieving our Goals.
    Exploring Boundaries, Working Smarter
    Improving Opportunities, Working Smarter

    Other words that could be considered in the above could be, Increasing, Establishing which should mean that we are now expanding our reach in the Global market by winning the hearts of the customers.

    So the employees should be immediately motivated on hearing that one word.

    Success is a most common word & has already been used in 09:10

    Looking forward to your creative inputs.

    Best regards,

  • Posted on Member
    Here are some additional naming ideas, as requested:

  • Posted by vasudev_kamath on Author
    Thanks Brent yet again for those powerful words & inputs at such short notice.

    I guess we are on the right track, those combinations of words should work.

    I shall present these to the leadership team on Monday to seek their approval. Keeping fingers crossed.

    Conquest - Exploring Boundaries, Working Smarter

    Conquest - Improving Opportunities, Working Smarter

    In the meantime if anything more exciting combination of words for the catch line pops up, please do drop in your thoughts.

    Best Regards,
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Morning or whatever ...

    A name Focusing on results of teams actions would be: IMPACT!

    All companies Serve to some extent, have some Mastery etc BUT a dramatic change Impacts the whole operation for clients and providers often with a dramatic splash! Then the ripples occur system wide.

    Make every thought work towards improvements that treat Impact as your mantra!


  • Posted by vasudev_kamath on Author
    Thanks for those inputs NovaHammer,

    IMPACT would be the result, it however does not come across as a strong & powerful name or theme for a campaign, which would make an individual or an employee sit straight up throughout the year & focus on the vision of the company.

    Brent - I did put across - Vitality, Conquest, Aspire as suggestions they are still thinking it is definitely in the shortlist though.

    I guess they need a very powerful name.

    As powerful as 2008 - Velocity

    2009 - Synergy

    Please do pour in your thoughts if any....

    Thanks & Regards,
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    My acerbic nature says a pay cheque does this "make an individual or an employee sit straight up throughout the year & focus on the vision of the company."

    Your new name/tagline can go beyond and become the Hook in your daily mindset....IBM used THINK on their office walls.

    Getting them to strive to make a difference & remind them of the rewards.

    Whatever they do everyday has a yin & yang result.

    Do nothing and it has Impact; go above and beyond and the Impact is a good thing.


  • Posted by vasudev_kamath on Author
    Hi Nova Hammer,

    Thanks for that ideation & visualisation, i got your point & it's quite valid & powerful, while i look it from the IBM prespective for the reward & what their ultimate goal was.

    If we were to apply IMPACT as our theme, can you then suggest the catchline & tagline taking into consideration the points mentioned above. Since what we shortlisted then stands null & void.

    These were what we shortlisted so far:-
    Catch line:-

    Option 1:- Exploring Boundaries, Working Smarter

    Cover our Vision statement & our ability to respond quickly to changes and deliver as an organization a new world of communications to advance the reach and leadership of our customers.

    Option 2:- Improving Opportunities, Working Smarter

    This covers the theme: - Focusing on Growing our Business in new Markets, by enhancing operational efficiency with cost savings & cost reduction.


    Option 1:- Let’s grow Together!!

    This covers the theme: - Focusing on Growing our Business in new Markets with more responsiveness to Customers.

    Option 2:- We can & we will make it happen!!

    This covers the theme: - Focusing on Growing our Business in new Markets with teamwork & winning the World Communication Award.

    Many thanks for your efforts on this.

    best regards,
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    The trick in developing a Global/Cross cultural tag line is limited by each language and finding their effective cultural spin.....having said that; strong & simple visuals aligned with your chosen words can make the jump somewhat easier. Then even the visual itself will be your Hook to the theme.

    Managing change is often full of subtle barriers at many levels. I facilitated The Change process for almost 2 years in a Military environment where all were already told to follow orders..and it still met with some resistance.

    If Management also buy into the shift and demonstrates they are also moving in the same new direction it is easier for others who otherwise hate to think they are being Fixed/corrected by the Adults ...but just them alone. Basic stuff really.

    Remember that People don't resist Change - They resist Being changed! Find some buy-in for them to make as their own contribution, find what rewards they value ... pay incentives, time off, office perks, more responsibility etc and offer that in someway for every movement towards even reading your new theme direction....

    Mahatma Gandhi said Be the change you want to see.
    Impress on your Organization that loyalty goes both up and down the chain of command. Another way of thinking about this is 'we are all each others Clients..external and internal respect make it work better.

    Poor internal support makes external efforts less complete. etc.

    You, Are The Tipping Point.

    An image of a domino starting to fall towards others; each standing on end, comes to mind. So whether doing something small or huge, the multilingual image reminds us there is an Impact; good or bad, that will cascade and permeate the web of linked dominoes/staff/contracts/customers/satisfaction/bottom line ....and produce an effect many times greater long after we acted.

    Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose Wisely.

    ps suprised to see a Global Reach Org. looking for pro bono help.

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