
Topic: Taglines/Names

Catchy Name For Community Service

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have to lead a round table discussion at the NALS Leadership Conference and Education Forum in March on getting involved in community service as a chapter of the organization. These are legal support professionals (i.e., paralegals, legal secretaries, court personnel, etc.). I really need a catchy phrase to get them to choose my table. Thanks for your help.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Do you get paid based on how many people choose your table? Do you think the attendees will choose a table based on how catchy the name is?

    If I were you, I'd decide why someone should choose your table and then communicate THAT in the name. What will you have accomplished if a bunch of people come to the table called "free sex" -- Is that catchy enough? -- and then learn that the name was just an attempt to be catchy, and is not reflective of why they really should be there?
  • Posted on Author
    There is no pay, this is a leadership session and my goal is to get people to include community service projects as a part of their chapters' events throughout the year.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear rpeden,

    "I really need a catchy phrase to get them to choose my table."

    No, you don't.

    You might THINK you do, but you don't. Trust me on this. You know legal people. I know marketing.

    And legal people or not, not one of the people who will be sitting at your round table puts their pants on any differently than you do.

    So talk to people as if you've known them for years, not as if they're someone you need to impress.

    I don't care whether you're talking to a round table of pimps or pastors, here's my simple, off-the-shelf, one size fits all answer to questions that ask for a catchy name:

    Catchy is Not a Selling Strategy™ Know why? Because it's the truth.

    If your audience are the attendees at a pimps convention, they want to know how to bring in more customers.

    If your audience are the attendees at a pastor's convention, they want to know how to bring in more customers.

    Are you seeing a pattern here?

    Marketing that tells the truth gets people's attention.

    Tell people who you are. Tell people what you do. Tell them what to do in order to take advantage of your stellar service, offer, or advice.

    Then, do yourself a huge favour and shut up.

    When we communicate without fluff, without catchiness, our messages make our benefits stand out—and THAT'S what people buy: benefits.

    So, try this:

    "Community Service Involvement Can Increase Your Profits: What Every Legal Support Professional Needs to Know"

    As a value proposition, and in terms of clearly telegraphing what your primary benefits are, this kind of statement cannot be faulted.

    Think back to the original Fed Ex line: "When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight."


    Make your message as clear and as doubt free as possible because no one's buying "catchy". Really, they're not. It's not what people are looking for.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Why should people include community service projects as a part of their chapters' events throughout the year? Is it a better way to market yourself? Is it to make a difference? Is it a way to change legal professional perception?

    Whatever the benefit, make it obvious in your title. By telegraphing the key reason, you'll make sure that you'll get truly interested participants.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks, it covers all of the above. Still working on it.
  • Posted on Author

    Thanks for your response. I really like what you are saying and I think I may use your tagline with a minor change. "Community Service Involvement Can Increase Your Visability and Your Profits: What Every Legal Support Professional Needs to Know."

    Our need is to gain more members in the association (which equals the profits portion) and visability to the community gets us more attention and more people in the legal community will be aware of us.

    Make sense?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear rpeden,

    I'm glad my input was of value, and yes, your outlook makes
    perfect sense. And please, use whatever works for you. All I ask
    is that you let me know how things turned out.

    Good luck with your round table.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted on Author
    The event is in March and I'll be happy to let you know how it goes. I'm working on my hand outs now. Have a great day.

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