
Topic: Taglines/Names

Creating A Tagline Using 'affordable Quality'

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Will be launching some household cleaning products, auto shampoo & wax, bike cleaner, tarmac rejuvenator, contact adhesive & wood glue to retailers under the logo Mr Tuff or Tuff Stuff. Looking for a catchy tagline expressing that these products are of high quality yet more affordable than the competitor products. Thank you
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I would suggest you focus your attention on the benefit(s), not the affordability. Competitive pricing is NOT a benefit. If anything, it fights with "quality," because everyone knows that high quality costs more, and cheap things are almost always lower quality.

    With a line as broad as the one you describe, it's going to be all but impossible to come up with a tagline that's meaningful. After all, what do glue and bike cleaner and tarmac rejuvenator have in common that would be relevant to a consumer? (Sure, they're all chemical products, but that's not what people think of when they're shopping for them: "I think I'll go buy some chemical stuff to clean my bike -- NOT!")

    What if you just come up with individual taglines for the various products, not a tagline for the entire product line? That's what I would do.

    Think about what you want to communicate to your customers. THAT is what should be in the tagline. "Quality" is fine, but it's almost a throw-away, because (a) everybody claims quality, and (b) it's non-specific, so nobody really knows how to measure or judge it. You'll communicate quality better by your package graphics than by using the word (or thought) in a tagline.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Are your products demonstrably safer, ecologically more friendly, manufacturing more "humane", profits benefiting charities, etc.? If so, focus on that as your unique benefit (in your tagline) rather than cheap/quality. Otherwise, as Michael points out, you'll have a tagline that's meaningless.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Elevate the consumers benefit belief by having them elevate their products in their own eyes.....

    Use Only On Your Best Bike!

    Adhesive For Your Newest 'Heirloom'.

    Attention Car Lovers...

  • Posted on Author
    Many thanks for your contributions. It certainly gave me some food for thought. It is also a wonderful way to get input from others especially if you are a 'one man band'

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